

单词 rsvp



n. pl. RSVPs A reply to an invitation, especially an invitation that is delivered or transmitted in writing. intr.v. RSVPed, RSVP·ing, RSVPs To respond to such an invitation with a "yes" or "no."
[French R.S.V.P., formula written at the end of an invitation in order to request a reply, from r(épondez) s('il) v(ous) p(laît), please reply (literally, "reply, if you please") : répondez, second person plural imperative of répondre, to answer, reply (from Old French respondre; see respond) + si, if (from Old French, from Latin ; see so- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots) + il, he, it (from Old French, from Latin ille, that one; see al- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots) + vous, you (from Old French, from Latin vōs; see wō̆s in the Appendix of Indo-European roots) + plaît, third person present indicative of plaire, to please (from Old French, from Latin placēre; see plāk-1 in the Appendix of Indo-European roots).]


abbreviation for répondez s'il vous plaît [French: please reply]


(used on an invitation to indicate that the favor of a reply is requested.) [1895–1900; < French r(épondez)s('il)v(ous)p(laît) please reply]



(chat)R?pondez s'il vous plait.


(protocol)Resource Reservation Protocol.


(body)Revolutionary Surrealist Vandal Party.


(ReSerVation Protocol) A communications protocol that signals a router to reserve bandwidth for real-time transmission. RSVP is designed to clear a path for audio and video traffic, eliminating annoying skips and hesitations. It has been sanctioned by the IETF, because audio and video traffic is constantly increasing on the Internet. See RTP and COPS.


RSVPRépondez S'il Vous Plaît (French: Reply, If You Please; commonly seen on invitations)
RSVPRetired and Senior Volunteer Program
RSVPReSerVation Protocol
RSVPResource Reservation Protocol
RSVPRapid Serial Visual Presentation
RSVPRegional Smoking Vehicle Program (Texas)
RSVPRefund Support Vocations Program (Knights of Columbus)
RSVPRegional Senior Vice President (various companies)
RSVPRelief Services for Veterinary Practitioners (est. 1992)
RSVPResearch Society for Victorian Periodicals
RSVPRare Symmetry Violating Processes
RSVPRenewables for Sustainable Village Power
RSVPResolve to Stop the Violence Project
RSVPRice Student Volunteer Program (Rice University)
RSVPRaising Student Voice and Participation
RSVPResources for Sexual Violence Prevention (University of Chicago)
RSVPResponsible Social Values Program
RSVPRestoring Social Virtue and Purity (advocacy)
RSVPRevolutionary Surrealist Vandal Party
RSVPRespond So Very Promptly (satire)
RSVPReconstructive Surgeons Volunteer Program
RSVPReduced Ships Crew by Virtual Presence (US Navy)
RSVPRhythm Speed Volume Pitch (communications)
RSVPResearch Study Volunteer Program
RSVPResearch and Supercomputing Visitor Program (National Center for Atmospheric Research)
RSVPRecognize Success Via Implementation
RSVPRoot Specific Vocabulary Puzzles
RSVPReading, Spelling, Vocabulary, Pronunciation (book)
RSVPRapid Syndrome Validation Program
RSVPResidential Street Vitality Program
RSVPRetirement Supplemental Voluntary Program
RSVPReadiness Skills Verification Program (US Air Force)
RSVPRapid Service Voice Processing
RSVPRotating Surveillance Vehicle Platform
RSVPRating Site Value Points
RSVPReinforcing Safety Values in People
RSVPRegister, Select, Vote and Protect Your Vote
RSVPRetrieve Sound Velocity Profile
RSVPReports Scenario Verification Program
RSVPRestartable Solid Variable Pulse (rocket motor)




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