Acronym | Definition |
PCF➣Parti Communiste Français (French Communist Party) |
PCF➣Post-Conflict Fund (est. 1997; World Bank) |
PCF➣Pounds per Cubic Foot |
PCF➣Prostate Cancer Foundation |
PCF➣Per Cubic Foot |
PCF➣Processed Chlorine Free (recycled paper) |
PCF➣Portable Compiled Format |
PCF➣Percentage Closer Filtering |
PCF➣Portable Compiled Font |
PCF➣Programmable Command Format |
PCF➣Profiler Command File |
PCF➣Prototype Carbon Fund (World Bank Carbon Finance Unit) |
PCF➣Product Carbon Footprint |
PCF➣Participatory Culture Foundation |
PCF➣Post Consumer Fiber (paper) |
PCF➣Point Coordination Function |
PCF➣Patrol Craft (Fast) |
PCF➣Photonic Crystal Fiber |
PCF➣Pacific Cooperation Foundation (New Zealand) |
PCF➣Portable Compiled Format (font format) |
PCF➣Payment Card Forensics (Japan) |
PCF➣Pollution Control Facility (various locations) |
PCF➣Packet Control Function |
PCF➣Personal Care Facility (various locations) |
PCF➣Proteomics Core Facility (Switzerland) |
PCF➣President's Choice Financial |
PCF➣Patient Care Form |
PCF➣Prins Claus Fonds (Dutch cultural organizations; est. 1996) |
PCF➣Pacific Coast Feather Company |
PCF➣Parallel Computing Forum |
PCF➣Profiler Command File (file extension) |
PCF➣Positive Cash Flow |
PCF➣Professional Communication Foundation |
PCF➣Process Control Feature |
PCF➣Petroleum Communication Foundation |
PCF➣Price to Cash Flow (ratio) |
PCF➣Pigs Can Fly |
PCF➣Possible Contributing Factor (various organizations) |
PCF➣Potential Confounding Factor (statistics) |
PCF➣Proposal Clearance Form (various schools) |
PCF➣Pacific Christian Fellowship (University of the Pacific; Oregon) |
PCF➣Personnel Control Facility |
PCF➣Peace Corps Fellows (Program in Community Development; Master's degree) |
PCF➣Policy Control Function |
PCF➣Polymer Clad Fiber |
PCF➣Polish Cultural Foundation (Clark, NJ) |
PCF➣Poynting Correction Factor (thermodynamics) |
PCF➣Paid-Call Firefighter |
PCF➣Publishing Cash Flow |
PCF➣Paperless Contracting File (various organizations) |
PCF➣Private Collection Firm (Oregon) |
PCF➣Possible Cofinality (mathematics) |
PCF➣Putting Christ First |
PCF➣Pattern Capture Format (ICT In-circuit test) |
PCF➣Physical Constraints File (engineering software applications) |
PCF➣Program Challenge Fund (Public Broadcasting System) |
PCF➣Parents' Choice Foundation |
PCF➣Parchin Chemical Factories (Iran) |
PCF➣Parallel Control Flow |
PCF➣Personal Call Forwarding |
PCF➣Prague Christian Fellowship (Czech Republic) |
PCF➣Patient Consent Form (treatment agreement) |
PCF➣Piecewise Continuous Function |
PCF➣Provider Credential File |
PCF➣Primary Combat Function |
PCF➣Pound-force per Cubic Foot (unit of material density) |
PCF➣Programa de Control Financiero (Spanish: Financial Control Program; Guatemala) |
PCF➣Polynomial Correlation Filter |
PCF➣Prioritized Cost Format |
PCF➣Pulse Compression Filter |
PCF➣Probability of Code Failure |
PCF➣Personal Computer Format (PC magazine UK) |
PCF➣Practioner Credentials File |
PCF➣Principal Component Filter |
PCF➣Power Coupling Factor |
PCF➣Premises Connecting Facility |
PCF➣Program Checkout Facility |
PCF➣Philippe Cousteau Foundation |
PCF➣Project Communication Facility |
PCF➣Pattern Compressed File (graphics compression format) |
PCF➣Piper Club France (France) |