Acronym | Definition |
SMR➣Social Media Release |
SMR➣San Marino (ISO Country code) |
SMR➣Self-Myofascial Release |
SMR➣Small Modular Reactor (nuclear power) |
SMR➣Shingled Magnetic Recording |
SMR➣Specialized Mobile Radio |
SMR➣Standardized Mortality Ratio |
SMR➣Snowdon Mountain Railway (UK) |
SMR➣Switching Mode Regulator |
SMR➣System Measurement |
SMR➣Signal to Mask Ratio |
SMR➣Shadow Movie Realm |
SMR➣Shared Memory Region |
SMR➣Smart Media Card Reader |
SMR➣Single Mixed Refrigerant |
SMR➣Sociological Methods and Research (journal) |
SMR➣Service Médical Rendu (French: Medical Record Service) |
SMR➣Serial Mode Register (computer programming) |
SMR➣Southern Mindanao Region (Philippines) |
SMR➣Silvermex Resources LTD |
SMR➣Sites and Monuments Record (UK heritage) |
SMR➣Submucous Resection |
SMR➣Surveillance Médicale Renforcée (French: Increased Medical Surveillance) |
SMR➣Steam Methane Reformer |
SMR➣Spinal Motion Restriction |
SMR➣Surface Movement Radar |
SMR➣Sprint Medley Relay (track and field) |
SMR➣Standard Malaysian Rubber |
SMR➣Strategic Management of Resources |
SMR➣Social Market Research |
SMR➣Standard Metabolic Rate |
SMR➣Student Medical Record |
SMR➣Spanish Mustang Registry |
SMR➣Statutory Management Requirement (UK) |
SMR➣Service Medical Record (US DoD) |
SMR➣Sailor Moon R (anime series) |
SMR➣Standard Mileage Rate (US IRS) |
SMR➣Service en Milieu Rural (French: Service in Rural Areas) |
SMR➣Signal-to-Mask Ratio (MPEG) |
SMR➣Service, Maintenance and Repair (automotive industry) |
SMR➣Sid Meier's Railroads (gaming) |
SMR➣Strongman Run (race) |
SMR➣Subject Matter Resource |
SMR➣Stormwater Management Report (various locations) |
SMR➣Santa Monica Review (arts journal; California) |
SMR➣Self-Monitoring Report (various organizations) |
SMR➣Site Material Request |
SMR➣Society for Medicines Research (London, UK) |
SMR➣Sunday Morning Ride (Marin, CA) |
SMR➣Suppressed Mite Reproduction |
SMR➣Skeletal Muscle Relaxant (pharmacology) |
SMR➣So Many Roads (Grateful Dead song) |
SMR➣Switching Mode Rectifier |
SMR➣Stratégie Ministérielle de Réforme (French: Ministerial Reform Strategy) |
SMR➣Safe Money Report |
SMR➣Seattle Mountain Rescue |
SMR➣Software Maintenance and Reengineering |
SMR➣Standardised Morbidity Ratio |
SMR➣State Military Reservation (Camp Pendleton, Virginia) |
SMR➣Rainbow Smelt (FAO fish species code) |
SMR➣Semantic Matchmaking and Resource Retrieval |
SMR➣Senior Management Review |
SMR➣Suspended Microchannel Resonator (microchemistry) |
SMR➣Space Merchant Realms (game) |
SMR➣Source, Maintenance & Recoverability |
SMR➣Spherically Mounted Retroreflector (distance measurement) |
SMR➣Semiconductor Mask Representation |
SMR➣Sailor Moon Romance (anime) |
SMR➣Solvency Margin Requirement (insurance) |
SMR➣Shadow Movie Realm (nAVI movie encoding format) |
SMR➣SuperMoto Racer Magazine |
SMR➣Société de Médecine de La Reproduction (French: Society of Reproductive Medicine) |
SMR➣Stone & Mccarthy Research |
SMR➣Stub Multicast Routing |
SMR➣Semantic Matchmaking and Resource Retrieval: Issues and Perspectives |
SMR➣South Molton Recycle (UK) |
SMR➣School of Medical Rehabilitation (Canada) |
SMR➣System Modification Request |
SMR➣Standardized Morbidity Rate |
SMR➣Shiny Metallic Robe (Everquest game item) |
SMR➣Société Musicale de Rambouillet (French: Rambouillet Musical Company) |
SMR➣Sex Maturity Rating |
SMR➣Schweitzer Mountain Resort (Sandpoint, ID) |
SMR➣Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation |
SMR➣Special Management Review |
SMR➣Sahaja Music Records (record label) |
SMR➣Statute Mile Radius |
SMR➣Stock Management Report |
SMR➣Signature Measurement Radar |
SMR➣Swedish Medley Relay (track and field) |
SMR➣Saint Mary's of Redford (school) |
SMR➣Surveillance Médicale Règlementaire (French: Monitoring Medical Examination) |
SMR➣Senior US Military Representative |
SMR➣Scaled Mortar Range |
SMR➣Student Management Room (various schools) |
SMR➣Special Money Requisition |
SMR➣Sequential Motion Rate (Articulation, Apraxia, Diadokokinetic Rate) |
SMR➣Surinaamse Motorenrevisie |
SMR➣Ship Movement Report |
SMR➣Supportability, Maintainability, and Reparability |
SMR➣Supermoto/Supermotard Racing (motorcycle riding/racing style)) |
SMR➣Silver Mustang Registry (Pace, FL) |
SMR➣Supply Management Reporting |
SMR➣Status Master Record |
SMR➣Société Méditerranéenne de Reconditionnement (French: Mediterranean Society of Reconditioning) |
SMR➣Société de Manutention du Roll on Roll Off (French: Roll on Roll off Handling Society; est. 2001) |
SMR➣Shipboard Management Review |
SMR➣Source Maintainability Reparability |
SMR➣SECNAV (Secretary of the Navy) Monthly Review (meeting) |
SMR➣Special Meals Request (US Army) |
SMR➣System Manager of Record |
SMR➣Syndromic Mental Retardation |
SMR➣Sol-Mur-Revêtement (French: Floor-Wall-Covering; construction company) |