

单词 smr



(1) (Specialized Mobile Radio) The communications services used by police, ambulances, taxicabs, trucks and other delivery vehicles. Throughout the U.S., approximately 3,000 independent operators are licensed by the FCC to offer this service, which provides always-on communications similar to a walkie-talkie, but over a larger geographic area. Nextel Communications is known in this field for having acquired a large number of SMR operators and turning them into a nationwide system. See Nextel.

(2) (Shingled Magnetic Recording) A hard disk recording method that overlaps the recording tracks to increase capacity up to approximately 25%. The tracks overlap each other in parallel like roof shingles; hence, the term. Seagate has been shipping SMR drives since 2013, and SATA 3.3 added support for SMR in 2016 (see SATA).



Abbreviation for:
senior medical resident
severe mental retardation
sexual maturity rating
standard metabolic rate
standardised morbidity ratio 
standardised mortality ratio, see there 
streptomycin resistant
submucosal resection


1. Sexual maturity rating. See Tanner stages.2. Severely mentally retarded.3. Standardized mortality ratio, see there.



GOST 7.67 Latin three-letter geocode for San Marino. The code is used for transactions to and from Sammarinese bank accounts and for international shipping to San Marino. As with all GOST 7.67 codes, it is used primarily in Cyrillic alphabets.


SMRSocial Media Release
SMRSan Marino (ISO Country code)
SMRSelf-Myofascial Release
SMRSmall Modular Reactor (nuclear power)
SMRShingled Magnetic Recording
SMRSpecialized Mobile Radio
SMRStandardized Mortality Ratio
SMRSnowdon Mountain Railway (UK)
SMRSwitching Mode Regulator
SMRSystem Measurement
SMRSignal to Mask Ratio
SMRShadow Movie Realm
SMRShared Memory Region
SMRSmart Media Card Reader
SMRSingle Mixed Refrigerant
SMRSociological Methods and Research (journal)
SMRService Médical Rendu (French: Medical Record Service)
SMRSerial Mode Register (computer programming)
SMRSouthern Mindanao Region (Philippines)
SMRSilvermex Resources LTD
SMRSites and Monuments Record (UK heritage)
SMRSubmucous Resection
SMRSurveillance Médicale Renforcée (French: Increased Medical Surveillance)
SMRSteam Methane Reformer
SMRSpinal Motion Restriction
SMRSurface Movement Radar
SMRSprint Medley Relay (track and field)
SMRStandard Malaysian Rubber
SMRStrategic Management of Resources
SMRSocial Market Research
SMRStandard Metabolic Rate
SMRStudent Medical Record
SMRSpanish Mustang Registry
SMRStatutory Management Requirement (UK)
SMRService Medical Record (US DoD)
SMRSailor Moon R (anime series)
SMRStandard Mileage Rate (US IRS)
SMRService en Milieu Rural (French: Service in Rural Areas)
SMRSignal-to-Mask Ratio (MPEG)
SMRService, Maintenance and Repair (automotive industry)
SMRSid Meier's Railroads (gaming)
SMRStrongman Run (race)
SMRSubject Matter Resource
SMRStormwater Management Report (various locations)
SMRSanta Monica Review (arts journal; California)
SMRSelf-Monitoring Report (various organizations)
SMRSite Material Request
SMRSociety for Medicines Research (London, UK)
SMRSunday Morning Ride (Marin, CA)
SMRSuppressed Mite Reproduction
SMRSkeletal Muscle Relaxant (pharmacology)
SMRSo Many Roads (Grateful Dead song)
SMRSwitching Mode Rectifier
SMRStratégie Ministérielle de Réforme (French: Ministerial Reform Strategy)
SMRSafe Money Report
SMRSeattle Mountain Rescue
SMRSoftware Maintenance and Reengineering
SMRStandardised Morbidity Ratio
SMRState Military Reservation (Camp Pendleton, Virginia)
SMRRainbow Smelt (FAO fish species code)
SMRSemantic Matchmaking and Resource Retrieval
SMRSenior Management Review
SMRSuspended Microchannel Resonator (microchemistry)
SMRSpace Merchant Realms (game)
SMRSource, Maintenance & Recoverability
SMRSpherically Mounted Retroreflector (distance measurement)
SMRSemiconductor Mask Representation
SMRSailor Moon Romance (anime)
SMRSolvency Margin Requirement (insurance)
SMRShadow Movie Realm (nAVI movie encoding format)
SMRSuperMoto Racer Magazine
SMRSociété de Médecine de La Reproduction (French: Society of Reproductive Medicine)
SMRStone & Mccarthy Research
SMRStub Multicast Routing
SMRSemantic Matchmaking and Resource Retrieval: Issues and Perspectives
SMRSouth Molton Recycle (UK)
SMRSchool of Medical Rehabilitation (Canada)
SMRSystem Modification Request
SMRStandardized Morbidity Rate
SMRShiny Metallic Robe (Everquest game item)
SMRSociété Musicale de Rambouillet (French: Rambouillet Musical Company)
SMRSex Maturity Rating
SMRSchweitzer Mountain Resort (Sandpoint, ID)
SMRSports Medicine & Rehabilitation
SMRSpecial Management Review
SMRSahaja Music Records (record label)
SMRStatute Mile Radius
SMRStock Management Report
SMRSignature Measurement Radar
SMRSwedish Medley Relay (track and field)
SMRSaint Mary's of Redford (school)
SMRSurveillance Médicale Règlementaire (French: Monitoring Medical Examination)
SMRSenior US Military Representative
SMRScaled Mortar Range
SMRStudent Management Room (various schools)
SMRSpecial Money Requisition
SMRSequential Motion Rate (Articulation, Apraxia, Diadokokinetic Rate)
SMRSurinaamse Motorenrevisie
SMRShip Movement Report
SMRSupportability, Maintainability, and Reparability
SMRSupermoto/Supermotard Racing (motorcycle riding/racing style))
SMRSilver Mustang Registry (Pace, FL)
SMRSupply Management Reporting
SMRStatus Master Record
SMRSociété Méditerranéenne de Reconditionnement (French: Mediterranean Society of Reconditioning)
SMRSociété de Manutention du Roll on Roll Off (French: Roll on Roll off Handling Society; est. 2001)
SMRShipboard Management Review
SMRSource Maintainability Reparability
SMRSECNAV (Secretary of the Navy) Monthly Review (meeting)
SMRSpecial Meals Request (US Army)
SMRSystem Manager of Record
SMRSyndromic Mental Retardation
SMRSol-Mur-Revêtement (French: Floor-Wall-Covering; construction company)




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