

单词 rss



abbreviation for 1. (Computer Science) Rich Site Summary: a way of allowing web users to receive news headlines and updates on their browser from selected websites as soon as they are published 2. (Computer Science) (as modifier): an RSS newsfeed. 3. (Computer Science) Really Simple Syndication: a way of allowing web users to receive syndicated newsletters and email alerts




Rich Site Summary


(Really Simple Syndication) A syndication format that was developed by Netscape in 1999 and became very popular for aggregating updates to blogs and news sites. RSS also stood for "Rich Site Summary" and "RDF Site Summary." A source for creating RSS feeds is www.feedforall.com. See syndication format for more on syndication feeds.

RSS Lineage (RSS 1.0 and RSS 2.0)
There are two lineages of RSS. RSS 1.0 conforms to the W3C's RDF specification and was released from the RSS-DEV Working Group in 2000 (see RDF). In 1999, Radio Userland's Dave Winer took over Netscape's RSS 0.91, later upgrading it to Versions 0.92 and 0.94 and turning it over to Harvard in 2003 as RSS 2.0. Most newsreaders support both formats.


RSSReally Simple Syndication
RSSRDF Site Summary
RSSRecovery Support Services (various locations)
RSSRich Site Summary
RSSNational News Agency (Nepal)
RSSRoyal Statistical Society (Jordan)
RSSRegional Spatial Strategy (UK)
RSSReceived Signal Strength (wireless communication)
RSSResidual Sum of Squares (statistics)
RSSRashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (India; National Volunteer Corps)
RSSreceive-side scaling
RSSResident Set Size (*nix command)
RSSReduced Space Symbology
RSSRiverside Secondary School
RSSRadio Science Subsystem
RSSRec.sport.soccer (newsgroup)
RSSResearch Support Services (Vanderbilt Medical Center)
RSSRemote Socket Server
RSSRoad Sensing Suspension
RSSRemote Subscriber Stage
RSSReporting Services Script
RSSRemote Site Summary
RSSReceived Signal Strength
RSSReceive Side Scaling
RSSRoute Selection Services
RSSRemote Switching Sites
RSSResident Set Size
RSSRemote Storage System
RSSRoot Server System
RSSRadio Subsystem
RSSRemote Station Scanner
RSSReady Service Spares
RSSRotating Service Structure
RSSRedside Shiner (fish)
RSSRoad Safety Scotland (UK)
RSSRecording and Streaming Server (video conferencing)
RSSRetail Store Solutions (IBM)
RSSRepubbliche Socialiste Sovietiche (Italian: Soviet Socialist Republics)
RSSRéseau Santé Social
RSSRudolf-Steiner-Schule (German: Waldorf School)
RSSRemote Storage Service
RSSResident Satisfaction Survey (various locations)
RSSRich Site Syndication (aka Realtime Site Syndication)
RSSRoot Sum Square
RSSReinforced Soil Slope (construction)
RSSRegional School System
RSSRange Safety System (US NASA)
RSSRecombination Signal Sequence
RSSRadio Service Software
RSSRemote Surveillance System (Tom Clancy)
RSSRefugee Social Services (various organizations)
RSSRotary Steerable System (oil field)
RSSRashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Sanskrit learning foundation; India)
RSSRegimental Support Squadron
RSSResource Sharing System (libraries)
RSSRoland Sound Space (Roland Music)
RSSRelay Spam Stopper
RSSRotating Shadowband Spectroradiometer
RSSRescue Swimmer School (Navy and Marine Corps)
RSSRadio Standards Specifications (Canada)
RSSRobert Service School (Canada)
RSSRemote Standalone Secondary
RSSRanked Set Sampling
RSSReactor Safety Study
RSSRadio Security Service (UK)
RSSRWE Schott Solar (German power company)
RSSRepetitive Strain Syndrome
RSSRésumé de Sortie Standardisé
RSSRemote Sensor System (US Army; aka REMBASS)
RSSRegistered Shoeing Smith (farriers)
RSSRemote Sensing Service
RSSRadial Shaft Seal
RSSRockdale, Sandow, and Southern (railroad)
RSSResource Description Framework (RDF) Site Summary (lightweight XML format)
RSSRecruiting Substation
RSSRigid Spine Syndrome
RSSRadar Signal Simulator
RSSRadio Sub System
RSSRegional Surveillance System (VSS)
RSSReusable Space Systems (Boeing)
RSSRouting Subsystem
RSSRough Surface Scattering
RSSRegional Supply Squadron
RSSRig Site Survey (energy exploration)
RSSRadar Secret Service (band)
RSSRemoting Subsystem
RSSRandolph Southern School (Shellman, GA)
RSSRepublic of Singapore Ship
RSSRobert Stobie Spectrograph (Southern African Large Telescope)
RSSRoot of Sum of Squares
RSSRedundant System Slot
RSSReceipt, Store and Stage (bioterrorism response)
RSSRemote Subscriber Stage (Sonera)
RSSRosette Scan Seeker
RSSRadar Support System
RSSRussell-Silver Syndrome, X-Linked (Partington syndrome)
RSSRemote Service System
RSSRailway Signalling System
RSSReactor Shutdown System
RSSRail Surveillance Service (railroads)
RSSResidential Support Services Inc.
RSSRail Security Service
RSSRitscher-Schinzel Syndrome
RSSRetek Store Systems
RSSRuneScape Signatures (gaming)
RSSResident Site Supervisor
RSSRing Segment System
RSSRequisitions Self Service
RSSRobina State School (Gold Coast, Australia)
RSSRemote Switching Sites (Bellcore)
RSSRemote Satellite Simulation
RSSReady Supply Store
RSSResources Status Review
RSSReal Stream System
RSSRemote Slave Station
RSSReady Service Spare
RSSRange Safety Simulation
RSSResidential Subscriber System
RSSRadiation Shielding Suit (gaming)
RSSRegiae Societatis Sodalis (Fellow of the Royal Society)
RSSReplacement Service System
RSSRange & Synchronization Subsystem
RSSRadiodetermination Satellite System
RSSRemote Switch Subsystem
RSSRemote Subscriber Service
RSSRequirement Spread Sheet
RSSRemote Supervisory Station
RSSRegional Switch Surveillance (Sprint)
RSSRequest for Supplies and Services
RSSRecall Sensor/Store System
RSSRemote Station Scanner (Alcatel)
RSSRoaming Service Setup
RSSRemote Site Subsystem/System
RSSRemote Safing Switch
RSSRussell Stover Samplers




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