vitamin C intoxication

vitamin C intoxication

A condition caused by self-prescribing of megadoses of vitamin C.
Clinical findings
Diarrhoea, dental erosion, uricosuria, kidney stones, interference with vitamin B12 absorption, increased iron absorption, reduced copper and selenium absorption, increased oestrogens, rebound scurvy when megadoses are reduced, possibly death in those with sickle cell anaemia.

vitamin C intoxication

A condition caused by megadoses of vitamin C Clinical Diarrhea, dental erosion, kidney stones, rebound scurvy when the megadoses are ↓; possibly death in Pts with sickle cell anemia Lab ↑ Iron absorption, ↓ copper, selenium, and vitamin B12 absorption, ↑ estrogens in those receiving exogenous estrogens, uricosuria. See Rebound scurvy, Vitamin C.