twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence

twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence (TRAP),

a circulatory anomaly in monozygotic twins wherein there are placental arterioarterial and venovenous anastomoses and umbilical anomalies, with one fetus being perfused with deoxygenated blood; the recipient fetus develops as an acardiac acephalic, and the pump or donor twin is at risk for cardiac failure.

twin re·versed ar·te·ri·al per·fu·sion se·quence

(twin rē-vĕrst' ahr-tēr'ē-āl pĕr-fyū'zhŭn sē'kwĕns) A circulatory anomaly in monozygotic twins in whom there are placental arterioarterial and venovenous anastomoses and umbilical anomalies, with one fetus being perfused with deoxygenated blood; the recipient fetus develops as an acardiac acephalic, and the pump or donor twin is at risk for cardiac failure.