Pressburg, Treaty of 1805

Pressburg, Treaty of (1805)


a peace treaty between France and Austria, which was concluded on December 26 in Pressburg (Bratislava) after Austria’s military defeat in the Battle of Austerlitz of 1805.

By the terms of the treaty, Austria recognized all French acquisitions in Italy and western and southern Germany. Austria ceded to Napoleon as the king of Italy Venetia, Istria (except for Trieste), and Dalmatia. It also granted additional territory to Bavaria, Württemberg, and Baden, which had all entered into an alliance with Napoleon not long before the treaty. Bavaria received the Tirol, including Brixen (Bressanone) and Trent, and Württemberg and Baden received what remained of Austria’s possessions in southern Germany.

Austria also paid France an indemnity of 40 million florins. As compensation, Austria received a small amount of territory, including Salzburg, the principality of Berchtesgaden, and Würzburg. The changes brought about by the treaty marked the end of Austrian domination in the Holy Roman Empire and the empire’s subsequent demise in 1806.