Acronym | Definition |
PCAD➣Pennsylvania College of Art & Design (Lancaster, PA) |
PCAD➣Plymouth College of Art and Design (UK) |
PCAD➣Packaging Computer-Aided Design |
PCAD➣Population Consequences of Acoustic Disturbance (marine biology) |
PCAD➣Process Control Access Domain |
PCAD➣Post Compliance Assessment Determination (lead inspections) |
PCAD➣Premature Coronary Artery Disease |
PCAD➣Parents of Children of African Descent |
PCAD➣Palliative Care for Advanced Disease |
PCAD➣Power Conditioning and Distribution |
PCAD➣Pointing Control and Attitude Determination |
PCAD➣Peoples Committee against Democracy (Thailand) |
PCAD➣Personal Computer-Aided Design (program) |
PCAD➣Portable Communication Aid for Dysphasics |
PCAD➣Physiological Cardiac Assist Device |
PCAD➣Philadelphia College of Art and Design |
PCAD➣Primary Care Access Data |
PCAD➣Portable Communication Assistant for People with Acquired Aphasia |
PCAD➣Progression of Coronary Artery Disease study |
PCAD➣Property Custody and Depreciation (US Army) |
PCAD➣Putnam County Ambulance District |
PCAD➣Program Change Approval Document |
PCAD➣Poste de Commandement d'Artillerie Divisionnaire |