Acronym | Definition |
PCA➣Principle Component Analysis |
PCA➣Principal Component Analysis |
PCA➣Porsche Club of America |
PCA➣Portland Cement Association |
PCA➣Prostate Cancer |
PCA➣Pollution Control Agency |
PCA➣Patient-Controlled Analgesia (pain medication delivery) |
PCA➣Positive Coaching Alliance (Palo Alto, CA) |
PCA➣Presbyterian Church in America |
PCA➣Personal Care Attendant |
PCA➣People's Choice Awards |
PCA➣Partido Comunista de la Argentina (Spanish: Communist Party of Argentina) |
PCA➣Prompt Corrective Action |
PCA➣Profit Center Accounting |
PCA➣Peachtree Complete Accounting (software) |
PCA➣Passive Cutaneous Anaphylaxis (anaphylactic shock) |
PCA➣Packaging Corporation of America |
PCA➣Post-Clearance Audit |
PCA➣Programmable Counter Array (microcontroller) |
PCA➣Primary Care Association |
PCA➣Production Credit Association (farmer cooperative loan agency established under the Farm Credit Act in 1934) |
PCA➣Popular Culture Association |
PCA➣Printed Circuit Assembly |
PCA➣Personal Current Account (banking; UK) |
PCA➣Pacific Coast Academy |
PCA➣Professional Cricketers' Association |
PCA➣Practical Computer Applications (Massachusetts) |
PCA➣Professional Chess Association |
PCA➣Prevent Child Abuse America (since 1972; Chicago, Illinois) |
PCA➣Permanent Court of Arbitration |
PCA➣Pittsburgh Center for the Arts (Pittsburgh, PA) |
PCA➣Patient Care Associate |
PCA➣Power Control Algorithm |
PCA➣Prudential Corporation Asia |
PCA➣Pre-Conditioned Air |
PCA➣Production Code Administration |
PCA➣Personal Care Aide |
PCA➣Philadelphia Corporation for Aging (Pennsylvania) |
PCA➣Property Condition Assessment |
PCA➣Page Control Area |
PCA➣Protection Channel Access |
PCA➣Porsche Cars Australia |
PCA➣Pc Answers |
PCA➣Performance and Coverage Analyzer |
PCA➣Personal Internet Client Architecture |
PCA➣Posterior Cerebral Artery |
PCA➣Partnership and Cooperation Agreement |
PCA➣Power Cost Adjustment |
PCA➣Plan de Continuité d'Activité (French: Business Continuity Plan) |
PCA➣Philippine Coconut Authority |
PCA➣Prestonwood Christian Academy (Plano, TX) |
PCA➣Physical Configuration Audit |
PCA➣Pennsylvania Council on the Arts (Harrisburg, PA) |
PCA➣Personal Communications Assistant (Voxicom) |
PCA➣Plate Count Agar |
PCA➣Police Complaints Authority (UK) |
PCA➣Perchloric Acid (chemistry) |
PCA➣Project Cooperation Agreement |
PCA➣Plant Conservation Alliance |
PCA➣Policy Certification Authority |
PCA➣Priority Conservation Area (various locations) |
PCA➣Private Collection Agency |
PCA➣Primary Cutaneous Amyloidosis (skin disorder) |
PCA➣Prescribed Concentration of Alcohol (NSW, Australia) |
PCA➣Primary Care Alliance (various locations) |
PCA➣Plant Canopy Analyzer |
PCA➣Proportional Counter Array |
PCA➣Project Cost Accounting |
PCA➣Patch Check Advanced (software) |
PCA➣Primary Coronary Angioplasty (cardiology) |
PCA➣Polar Cap Absorption |
PCA➣Personal Internet Client Architecture (Intel) |
PCA➣Protection Channel Access (Sprint) |
PCA➣Power Calibration Area |
PCA➣Property Care Association (UK) |
PCA➣Pest Control Advisor |
PCA➣Poodle Club of America |
PCA➣Panama Canal Authority |
PCA➣Perfect Clarity Audio (Sonic Foundry) |
PCA➣Professional Caddies Association |
PCA➣Posterior Cricoarytenoid (muscle) |
PCA➣Positive Control Airspace (aviation) |
PCA➣Pesticide Control Act |
PCA➣Pyrrolidone Carboxylic Acid |
PCA➣Production Configuration Audit |
PCA➣Pneumatic Control Assembly (US NASA) |
PCA➣Progressive Corrective Action (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; various locations) |
PCA➣Primary Competitive Advantage |
PCA➣Partido Comunista de Andalucia (Spanish political party) |
PCA➣Permanent Change of Assignment |
PCA➣Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration (UK, aka Parliamentary Ombudsman) |
PCA➣Professional Claims Adjuster |
PCA➣Probate Court Administration (Connecticut) |
PCA➣Probable Course of Action |
PCA➣Planned Community Act (various locations) |
PCA➣Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 |
PCA➣Propulsion Controlled Aircraft |
PCA➣Polycrystalline Alumina |
PCA➣Power Corporation Act (Canada) |
PCA➣Photo Corporation of America (various locations) |
PCA➣Packaging Council of Australia |
PCA➣Printed Circuit Antenna |
PCA➣Post-Closing Adjustment (accounting) |
PCA➣Piedmont Council of the Arts (Charlottesville, VA) |
PCA➣Point of Closest Approach |
PCA➣Predator Conservation Alliance |
PCA➣Policy Creation Authority |
PCA➣Present Company Accepted (UK) |
PCA➣Packaged Composite Application |
PCA➣Purnell Center for the Arts (Carnegie Mellon University) |
PCA➣Permanent Corrective Action |
PCA➣Program Commitment Agreement |
PCA➣Procrastinators Club of America (est. 1956) |
PCA➣Production Concession Agreement |
PCA➣Paperweight Collectors Association, Inc |
PCA➣Patient Care Advocate |
PCA➣Parallel Channel Adapter (Cisco) |
PCA➣Positive Control Area |
PCA➣Primary Component Analysis |
PCA➣Prifysgol Cymru Aberystwyth (Welsh university; UK) |
PCA➣Power Control Assembly |
PCA➣Plumbing Contractors of America |
PCA➣Primer Chamber Assembly (US NASA) |
PCA➣Password Call Acceptance (call screening) |
PCA➣Pre-Certification Assessment (various meanings) |
PCA➣Physicians' Comparability Allowances |
PCA➣Power Challenge Array |
PCA➣Percentage of Calls Answered (call center statistic) |
PCA➣Probable Cause Affidavit |
PCA➣Post Curing Apparatus (UV light curing chamber for post processing of stereolithography parts) |
PCA➣Progressive Christian Academy (Temple Hills, MD) |
PCA➣Potential Change Allowance (construction contingency) |
PCA➣Payload Clamp Assembly (US NASA) |
PCA➣Poste de Commandement Avance |
PCA➣Petroleum (Consolidation) Act 1928 (UK) |
PCA➣Possible Contamination Activities (drinking water assessment; Canada) |
PCA➣Protective Connecting Arrangement |
PCA➣Pork Council of Australia |
PCA➣Pesticide Control Authority |
PCA➣Process Control & Automation |
PCA➣Portland Concert Association (Portland, ME) |
PCA➣Penang Chess Association (Malaysia) |
PCA➣Physiological Cross-Sectional Area |
PCA➣Prime Candidate Alloy |
PCA➣Prospective Computer Analysts Inc |
PCA➣Parallel Cellular Automata |
PCA➣Project Control Analyst |
PCA➣Process Corrective Action |
PCA➣Primary Controlling Authority |
PCA➣Pacific Commercial Advertiser (Hawaii newspaper) |
PCA➣Plasticville Collectors Association |
PCA➣Parent Coaches Association |
PCA➣Press Cuttings Agency |
PCA➣Plug-In Compliant Application |
PCA➣Parallel Channel Attach(ment) |
PCA➣Peace and Community Action (Sri Lanka) |
PCA➣Polish Classification of Activities |
PCA➣People's Christian Academy |
PCA➣Proper Civilian Attire |
PCA➣Personal Channel Agent |
PCA➣Psychological Consolidation Activities |
PCA➣Petaluma Community Access TV (Petaluma, CA) |
PCA➣Plastics Convertors Association (South Africa) |
PCA➣Process Change Authorization |
PCA➣Property Clearance Assessment |
PCA➣Planned Capability Available (FAA) |
PCA➣Paul Collins Associates (Huntington Beach, CA) |
PCA➣Pacific Communications Area |
PCA➣Principal Control Authority |
PCA➣Posterior Choanal Atresia |
PCA➣Personalized Claim Administration (Mutual of Omaha) |
PCA➣Pacific Cruising Association |
PCA➣Product Complaint Analysis |
PCA➣Primary Crash Alarm |
PCA➣Pedagogical Conversational Agent |
PCA➣Propellant Control Assembly |
PCA➣Poultrymen's Cooperative Association (Riverside, California) |
PCA➣Program Configuration Audit |
PCA➣Professional Cyclists Association |
PCA➣PC (Personal Computer) Card Adaptor (various companies) |
PCA➣Primary Coolant Activity |
PCA➣Primary Control Assembly |
PCA➣PCAnywhere Remote/Host Software (Symantec) |
PCA➣Provisioning Consistency Audit |
PCA➣Personal Cash Allowance |
PCA➣Property Claims Agreement (insurance) |
PCA➣Product Change Authority |
PCA➣Personal Computer Association, Inc. |
PCA➣Physical Configuration/Control Audit |
PCA➣Pension Corporation of America (Cincinnati, OH) |
PCA➣Post-Construction Availability |
PCA➣Power Control and Alarm |
PCA➣Peoria Cosmetology Association |
PCA➣petroleum caking additive |
PCA➣Project Change Authorization |
PCA➣Procedure Change Activity |
PCA➣Preliminary Configuration Audit |
PCA➣Port Configuration Automation |
PCA➣Polar Cap Anomaly |
PCA➣Planar Cellular Array |
PCA➣Program Cumulative Audiences |
PCA➣Palisades Christian Academy (Spokane, WA) |
PCA➣Proportional Capacity Allocation |
PCA➣Principles, Constraints, and Assumptions |
PCA➣Pool Car Administrator |
PCA➣Polynomial Computer Algebra |