

单词 pca
释义 DictionarySeeanalgesia



(geophysics) polar-cap absorption


Abbr. for “Portland Cement Association.”


(tool, programming)A dynamic analyser from DEC givinginformation on run-time performance and code use.



 patient-controlled analgesia.


Abbreviation for passive cutaneous anaphylaxis; patient-controlled analgesia; patient-controlled anesthesia.


A way of reporting calcium ion levels; equal to the negative decadic logarithm of the calcium ion concentration.


Abbreviation for:
pancreatic cancer
parietal cell antibody
Patient Choice Advisor, see there 
patient-controlled analgesia, see there
percutaneous carotid arteriogram
peripheral circulatory assist
personal care assistant
posterior cerebral artery
posterior communication artery
primary care association
prostate cancer


1. Parietal cell antibody, see there.2. Patient-controlled analgesia, see there.3. Percutaneous carotid arteriogram.4. Peripheral circulatory assist.5. Posterior cerebral artery.


Abbreviation for patient-controlled analgesia.


Abbreviation for patient-controlled analgesia.


PCAPrinciple Component Analysis
PCAPrincipal Component Analysis
PCAPorsche Club of America
PCAPortland Cement Association
PCAProstate Cancer
PCAPollution Control Agency
PCAPatient-Controlled Analgesia (pain medication delivery)
PCAPositive Coaching Alliance (Palo Alto, CA)
PCAPresbyterian Church in America
PCAPersonal Care Attendant
PCAPeople's Choice Awards
PCAPartido Comunista de la Argentina (Spanish: Communist Party of Argentina)
PCAPrompt Corrective Action
PCAProfit Center Accounting
PCAPeachtree Complete Accounting (software)
PCAPassive Cutaneous Anaphylaxis (anaphylactic shock)
PCAPackaging Corporation of America
PCAPost-Clearance Audit
PCAProgrammable Counter Array (microcontroller)
PCAPrimary Care Association
PCAProduction Credit Association (farmer cooperative loan agency established under the Farm Credit Act in 1934)
PCAPopular Culture Association
PCAPrinted Circuit Assembly
PCAPersonal Current Account (banking; UK)
PCAPacific Coast Academy
PCAProfessional Cricketers' Association
PCAPractical Computer Applications (Massachusetts)
PCAProfessional Chess Association
PCAPrevent Child Abuse America (since 1972; Chicago, Illinois)
PCAPermanent Court of Arbitration
PCAPittsburgh Center for the Arts (Pittsburgh, PA)
PCAPatient Care Associate
PCAPower Control Algorithm
PCAPrudential Corporation Asia
PCAPre-Conditioned Air
PCAProduction Code Administration
PCAPersonal Care Aide
PCAPhiladelphia Corporation for Aging (Pennsylvania)
PCAProperty Condition Assessment
PCAPage Control Area
PCAProtection Channel Access
PCAPorsche Cars Australia
PCAPc Answers
PCAPerformance and Coverage Analyzer
PCAPersonal Internet Client Architecture
PCAPosterior Cerebral Artery
PCAPartnership and Cooperation Agreement
PCAPower Cost Adjustment
PCAPlan de Continuité d'Activité (French: Business Continuity Plan)
PCAPhilippine Coconut Authority
PCAPrestonwood Christian Academy (Plano, TX)
PCAPhysical Configuration Audit
PCAPennsylvania Council on the Arts (Harrisburg, PA)
PCAPersonal Communications Assistant (Voxicom)
PCAPlate Count Agar
PCAPolice Complaints Authority (UK)
PCAPerchloric Acid (chemistry)
PCAProject Cooperation Agreement
PCAPlant Conservation Alliance
PCAPolicy Certification Authority
PCAPriority Conservation Area (various locations)
PCAPrivate Collection Agency
PCAPrimary Cutaneous Amyloidosis (skin disorder)
PCAPrescribed Concentration of Alcohol (NSW, Australia)
PCAPrimary Care Alliance (various locations)
PCAPlant Canopy Analyzer
PCAProportional Counter Array
PCAProject Cost Accounting
PCAPatch Check Advanced (software)
PCAPrimary Coronary Angioplasty (cardiology)
PCAPolar Cap Absorption
PCAPersonal Internet Client Architecture (Intel)
PCAProtection Channel Access (Sprint)
PCAPower Calibration Area
PCAProperty Care Association (UK)
PCAPest Control Advisor
PCAPoodle Club of America
PCAPanama Canal Authority
PCAPerfect Clarity Audio (Sonic Foundry)
PCAProfessional Caddies Association
PCAPosterior Cricoarytenoid (muscle)
PCAPositive Control Airspace (aviation)
PCAPesticide Control Act
PCAPyrrolidone Carboxylic Acid
PCAProduction Configuration Audit
PCAPneumatic Control Assembly (US NASA)
PCAProgressive Corrective Action (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; various locations)
PCAPrimary Competitive Advantage
PCAPartido Comunista de Andalucia (Spanish political party)
PCAPermanent Change of Assignment
PCAParliamentary Commissioner for Administration (UK, aka Parliamentary Ombudsman)
PCAProfessional Claims Adjuster
PCAProbate Court Administration (Connecticut)
PCAProbable Course of Action
PCAPlanned Community Act (various locations)
PCAPosse Comitatus Act of 1878
PCAPropulsion Controlled Aircraft
PCAPolycrystalline Alumina
PCAPower Corporation Act (Canada)
PCAPhoto Corporation of America (various locations)
PCAPackaging Council of Australia
PCAPrinted Circuit Antenna
PCAPost-Closing Adjustment (accounting)
PCAPiedmont Council of the Arts (Charlottesville, VA)
PCAPoint of Closest Approach
PCAPredator Conservation Alliance
PCAPolicy Creation Authority
PCAPresent Company Accepted (UK)
PCAPackaged Composite Application
PCAPurnell Center for the Arts (Carnegie Mellon University)
PCAPermanent Corrective Action
PCAProgram Commitment Agreement
PCAProcrastinators Club of America (est. 1956)
PCAProduction Concession Agreement
PCAPaperweight Collectors Association, Inc
PCAPatient Care Advocate
PCAParallel Channel Adapter (Cisco)
PCAPositive Control Area
PCAPrimary Component Analysis
PCAPrifysgol Cymru Aberystwyth (Welsh university; UK)
PCAPower Control Assembly
PCAPlumbing Contractors of America
PCAPrimer Chamber Assembly (US NASA)
PCAPassword Call Acceptance (call screening)
PCAPre-Certification Assessment (various meanings)
PCAPhysicians' Comparability Allowances
PCAPower Challenge Array
PCAPercentage of Calls Answered (call center statistic)
PCAProbable Cause Affidavit
PCAPost Curing Apparatus (UV light curing chamber for post processing of stereolithography parts)
PCAProgressive Christian Academy (Temple Hills, MD)
PCAPotential Change Allowance (construction contingency)
PCAPayload Clamp Assembly (US NASA)
PCAPoste de Commandement Avance
PCAPetroleum (Consolidation) Act 1928 (UK)
PCAPossible Contamination Activities (drinking water assessment; Canada)
PCAProtective Connecting Arrangement
PCAPork Council of Australia
PCAPesticide Control Authority
PCAProcess Control & Automation
PCAPortland Concert Association (Portland, ME)
PCAPenang Chess Association (Malaysia)
PCAPhysiological Cross-Sectional Area
PCAPrime Candidate Alloy
PCAProspective Computer Analysts Inc
PCAParallel Cellular Automata
PCAProject Control Analyst
PCAProcess Corrective Action
PCAPrimary Controlling Authority
PCAPacific Commercial Advertiser (Hawaii newspaper)
PCAPlasticville Collectors Association
PCAParent Coaches Association
PCAPress Cuttings Agency
PCAPlug-In Compliant Application
PCAParallel Channel Attach(ment)
PCAPeace and Community Action (Sri Lanka)
PCAPolish Classification of Activities
PCAPeople's Christian Academy
PCAProper Civilian Attire
PCAPersonal Channel Agent
PCAPsychological Consolidation Activities
PCAPetaluma Community Access TV (Petaluma, CA)
PCAPlastics Convertors Association (South Africa)
PCAProcess Change Authorization
PCAProperty Clearance Assessment
PCAPlanned Capability Available (FAA)
PCAPaul Collins Associates (Huntington Beach, CA)
PCAPacific Communications Area
PCAPrincipal Control Authority
PCAPosterior Choanal Atresia
PCAPersonalized Claim Administration (Mutual of Omaha)
PCAPacific Cruising Association
PCAProduct Complaint Analysis
PCAPrimary Crash Alarm
PCAPedagogical Conversational Agent
PCAPropellant Control Assembly
PCAPoultrymen's Cooperative Association (Riverside, California)
PCAProgram Configuration Audit
PCAProfessional Cyclists Association
PCAPC (Personal Computer) Card Adaptor (various companies)
PCAPrimary Coolant Activity
PCAPrimary Control Assembly
PCAPCAnywhere Remote/Host Software (Symantec)
PCAProvisioning Consistency Audit
PCAPersonal Cash Allowance
PCAProperty Claims Agreement (insurance)
PCAProduct Change Authority
PCAPersonal Computer Association, Inc.
PCAPhysical Configuration/Control Audit
PCAPension Corporation of America (Cincinnati, OH)
PCAPost-Construction Availability
PCAPower Control and Alarm
PCAPeoria Cosmetology Association
PCApetroleum caking additive
PCAProject Change Authorization
PCAProcedure Change Activity
PCAPreliminary Configuration Audit
PCAPort Configuration Automation
PCAPolar Cap Anomaly
PCAPlanar Cellular Array
PCAProgram Cumulative Audiences
PCAPalisades Christian Academy (Spokane, WA)
PCAProportional Capacity Allocation
PCAPrinciples, Constraints, and Assumptions
PCAPool Car Administrator
PCAPolynomial Computer Algebra




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