Tripier amputation

Tri·pi·er am·pu·ta·tion

(trē-pē-ā'), a modification of Chopart amputation, in that a part of the calcaneus is also removed.

Tri·pi·er am·pu·ta·tion

(tri-pē-ā' amp'yū-tā'shŭn) A modification of the Chopart amputation, in that a part of the calcaneus is also removed.

Tripier amputation

(trē-pyā′) [Léon Tripier, Fr. surgeon, 1842–1891] Amputation of a foot with part of the calcaneus removed.


Léon, French surgeon, 1842-1891. Tripier amputation - a modification of Chopart amputation, in that a part of the calcaneus is also removed.