

单词 rsm



abbreviation for 1. (Military) regimental sergeant major 2. (Music, other) Royal School of Music 3. (Medicine) Royal Society of Medicine 4. (Automotive Engineering) San Marino (international car registration) [(sense 4): from R(epublic of) S(an) M(arino)]



Abbreviation for:
recurrent spontaneous miscarriage
restriction site mutation
Royal Society of Medicine, see there


RSMRotterdam School of Management
RSMRancho Santa Margarita (California)
RSMRoyal Society of Medicine
RSMRegional Sales Manager
RSMRisk and Safety Management (various meanings)
RSMSisters of Mercy (religious order)
RSMRosamond (Amtrak station code; Rosamond, CA)
RSMRev/Speed Meter (vehicle performance)
RSMRussian School of Mathematics (various locations)
RSMRadio Spectrum Management
RSMRoyal Saskatchewan Museum (Canada)
RSMResponse Surface Methodology
RSMRegimental Sergeant Major (British, Canadian)
RSMRemovable Storage Manager (Microsoft Windows)
RSMRating Scale Model
RSMRational Software Modeler (IBM)
RSMRealtime Services Manager
RSMRobust Security Network
RSMRemovable Storage Manager
RSMResource Standard Metrics
RSMReplication Solutions Manager
RSMRate Setting Methodology
RSMRoute Switch Module
RSMRemote Shared Memory
RSMRestore Session Manager
RSMRemote Socket Modules
RSMRenault Samsung Motors
RSMRemote Switch Module
RSMRandom Subspace Method
RSMRear Shock Mount (vehicle part; various company)
RSMReconstituted Skim Milk
RSMRegional Spectral Model
RSMRetail Sales Merchandiser (retail job title)
RSMRelaxation and Stress Management
RSMReligious Sister of Mercy
RSMRemote Status Monitor (various companies)
RSMRegional Safety Manager (various companies)
RSMRoute Switch Module (Cisco)
RSMReplication Solutions Manager (software)
RSMResponse Surface Method
RSMRegional Sediment Management (US Army Corps of Engineers)
RSMRajah Solaiman Movement (est. 1995)
RSMRenault Samsung Motors (South Korean automobile manufacturer)
RSMRepublic of San Marino (ISO Country Identifier)
RSMRegistered Safety Manager (various organizations)
RSMRemovable Storage Management (Highground Systems)
RSMReynolds Stress Model
RSMReplacement Sensor Model
RSMRoyal School of Mines (UK)
RSMRemote Switching Module
RSMRadio Squadron Mobile (US Air Force)
RSMRegional Simulation Model (South Florida Water Management District)
RSMReal-time Session Manager (Nextone)
RSMRemovable Storage Module (digital data storage)
RSMRecreation Sports Management
RSMReciprocal Space Mapping
RSMResponse Surface Matrix
RSMRemedy Service Management (software)
RSMRemote Systems Management
RSMRemote Systems Monitoring
RSMRemote System Manager
RSMRepair Station Manual
RSMRelative Strength Momentum (investing)
RSMRestricted Senior Management
RSMReplication Server Manager (Sybase)
RSMRancho Santa Margarita Intermediate School (California)
RSMRadioactive Scrap Metal
RSMRéseaux, Sécurité et Multimédia (French: Networks, Security and Multimedia)
RSMRoad Sign Math (driving game)
RSMRemote Service Module (Nortel)
RSMReal Storage Management (IBM)
RSMResponse Service Message (FIPS)
RSMRugby Saint Maximinois (French rugby school)
RSMRenegade Slash Militia
RSMRed de Solidaridad con México
RSMRosettanet Standards Methodology
RSMReuse Strategy Model
RSMReduction Symmetry Method
RSMRoute Set Test Message (CCS #7 ITU-T)
RSMRequirements Spiral Model
RSMRandom Signal Mapper
RSMReceive Signal Module (Ciena)
RSMRAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks) Storage Manager (Dell)
RSMReserve Staffing Model
RSMReceive Slot Mask (Register)
RSMRemote Site Module
RSMResidual Supplies Model
RSMRadio Soult Ménager (French construction company)




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