

单词 rsl



abbreviation for 1. (Literary & Literary Critical Terms) Royal Society of Literature 2. (Military) (in Australia) Returned Services League



RAISE Specification Language



Abbreviation for:
radioactive seed localisation
Register Social Landlords


RSLReal Salt Lake (soccer club; Utah)
RSLRegistered Social Landlord (UK)
RSLRobert Sean Leonard (actor)
RSLReturned and Services League (Australia)
RSLRecurring Slope Lineae (astronomy)
RSLRugby Super League
RSLRussian State Library (Moscow, Russia)
RSLRead and Set Lock
RSLRecommended Spares List
RSLRequest and Status Link
RSLRoots Surname List
RSLResource Specification Language
RSLRinger Sound Level
RSLRegistry Size Limit
RSLRelay Stop List
RSLResource Management Layer
RSLRaising the Standard of Living
RSLReligious and Spiritual Life (various locations)
RSLReturned & Services League of Australia (formerly Returned Services League of Australia; est. 1916)
RSLregistry size limit (Microsoft Windows)
RSLRemote Sensing Laboratory
RSLRygge Sivile Lufthavn (Norwegian civilian airport)
RSLRelative Sea Level
RSLRuntime Shared Library
RSLRenderman Shading Language
RSLRAISE Specification Language
RSLReceived Signal Level
RSLRegina Shipping Lines (Philippines)
RSLRestricted Service License (radio)
RSLRepublic of Sierra Leone
RSLReserve Static Line
RSLRethinking School Lunch
RSLRecovery Service Level (risk management)
RSLRoyal Society of London (scientific academy; London, England, UK)
RSLRadio Station License (various locations)
RSLRevolutionary Socialist League (British Trotskyist Group)
RSLRofin-Sinar Laser (Germany)
RSLReal Soon Now
RSLRambus Signaling Level
RSLReusable Sanitary Landfill
RSLRobot Scripting Language
RSLRobotic Systems Laboratory (Santa Clara University; Santa Clara, CA)
RSLRequirements Specification Language
RSLRegional Screening Level (US EPA)
RSLReusable Software Library
RSLRecommended Standard List (US FEMA)
RSLRegional Stocking Location (various organizations)
RSLRequirements Statement Language
RSLRuwa Sped Ltd. (Switzerland)
RSLRising Step Load
RSLRemote SPRINT Launch
RSLRadar Software Library (US NASA)
RSLRadiological Society of Louisiana
RSLRelative Strength Levy
RSLReady Service Locker(s)
RSLRequest and Status Links (telephony)
RSLReference System Lab
RSLResearch Status Log
RSLRhône-Saône et Loire (French railway company)
RSLRedneck as Second Language
RSLRepresentative Stim Latch
RSLReturned Soldiers League/Legion
RSLRail Safety Law
RSLRoof Switch Lock Module
RSLResponsible Server List (Compaq)
RSLRight Subscapular Line
RSLResalab Scientific Library
RSLRoboCupRescue Simulation League




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