

单词 read between the lines

read between the lines


R0067400 (rēd)v. read (rĕd), read·ing, reads v.tr.1. To examine and grasp the meaning of (written or printed characters, words, or sentences).2. To utter or render aloud (written or printed material): read poems to the students.3. To have the ability to examine and grasp the meaning of (written or printed material in a given language or notation): reads Chinese; reads music.4. a. To examine and grasp the meaning of (language in a form other than written or printed characters, words, or sentences): reading Braille; reading sign language.b. To examine and grasp the meaning of (a graphic representation): reading a map.5. a. To discern and interpret the nature or significance of through close examination or sensitive observation: The tracker read the trail for signs of game.b. To discern or anticipate through examination or observation; descry: "I can read abandonment in a broken door or shattered window" (William H. Gass).6. To determine the intent or mood of: can read your mind like a book; a hard person to read.7. a. To attribute a certain interpretation or meaning to: read her words differently than I did.b. To consider (something written or printed) as having a particular meaning or significance: read the novel as a parable.8. To foretell or predict (the future).9. To receive or comprehend (a radio message, for example): I read you loud and clear.10. To study or make a study of: read history as an undergraduate.11. To learn or get knowledge of from something written or printed: read that interest rates would continue to rise.12. To proofread.13. To have or use as a preferred reading in a particular passage: For change read charge.14. To indicate, register, or show: The dial reads 32°.15. Computers To obtain (data) from a storage medium, such as an optical disc.16. Genetics To decode or translate (a sequence of messenger RNA) into an amino acid sequence in a polypeptide chain.v.intr.1. To examine and grasp the meaning of printed or written characters, as of words or music.2. To speak aloud the words that one is reading: read to the children every night.3. To learn by reading: read about the storm in the paper today.4. To study.5. To have a particular wording: Recite the poem exactly as it reads.6. To contain a specific meaning: As the law reads, the defendant is guilty.7. To indicate, register, or show a measurement or figure: How does your new watch read?8. To have a specified character or quality for the reader: Your poems read well.n. Informal 1. Something that is read: "The book is a page-turner as well as a very satisfying read" (Frank Conroy).2. An interpretation or assessment: gave us her read of the political situation.adj. (rĕd) Informed by reading; learned: only sparsely read in fields outside my profession.Phrasal Verbs: read out To read aloud: Please read out the names on the list. read up To study or learn by reading: Read up on the places you plan to visit before you travel.Idioms: read a lecture/lesson To issue a reprimand: My parents read me a lecture because I had neglected my chores. read between the lines To perceive or detect an obscure or unexpressed meaning: learned to read between the lines of corporate annual reports to discern areas of fiscal weakness. read out of To expel by proclamation from a social, political, or other group: was read out of the secretariat after the embarrassing incident.
[Middle English reden, from Old English rǣdan, to advise; see ar- in Indo-European roots.]Word History: English is the one of the few western European languages that does not derive its verb for "to read" from Latin legere. Compare, for example, leggere in Italian, lire in French, and lesen in German. (Equally surprising is the fact that English is the only western European language not to derive its verb for "to write" from Latin scrībere.) Read comes from the Old English verb rǣdan, "to advise, interpret (something difficult), interpret (something written), read." Rǣdan is related to the German verb raten, "to advise" (as in Rathaus, "town hall"). The Old English noun rǣd, "counsel," survives in the rare noun rede, "counsel, advice" and in the name of the unfortunate King Ethelred the Unready, whose epithet is often misunderstood. Unready here does not have its current sense "unprepared"; it is a late 16th-century spelling of an earlier unredy, "ill-advised, rash, foolish," from rede.

read between the lines

To understand something that is not explicit but implied.
Verb1.read between the lines - read what is implied but not expressed on the surfaceconstrue, interpret, see - make sense of; assign a meaning to; "What message do you see in this letter?"; "How do you interpret his behavior?"


(lain) noun1. (a piece of) thread, cord, rope etc. She hung the washing on the line; a fishing-rod and line. 繩,線 绳索等2. a long, narrow mark, streak or stripe. She drew straight lines across the page; a dotted/wavy line. 直線,條紋 线3. outline or shape especially relating to length or direction. The ship had very graceful lines; A dancer uses a mirror to improve his line. 外形,線條 外形4. a groove on the skin; a wrinkle. 皺紋 条纹5. a row or group of objects or persons arranged side by side or one behind the other. The children stood in a line; a line of trees.6. a short letter. I'll drop him a line. 短箋 短信7. a series or group of persons which come one after the other especially in the same family. a line of kings. 家族 家系8. a track or direction. He pointed out the line of the new road; a new line of research. 路線 路线9. the railway or a single track of the railway. Passengers must cross the line by the bridge only. 鐵路,鐵軌 铁路,铁轨 10. a continuous system (especially of pipes, electrical or telephone cables etc) connecting one place with another. a pipeline; a line of communication; All (telephone) lines are engaged. 線路 线路11. a row of written or printed words. The letter contained only three lines; a poem of sixteen lines. (字的)一行 (字的)一行 12. a regular service of ships, aircraft etc. a shipping line. 航線 航线13. a group or class (of goods for sale) or a field of activity, interest etc. This has been a very popular new line; Computers are not really my line. 行業 行业14. an arrangement of troops, especially when ready to fight. fighting in the front line. 戰線 战线 verb1. to form lines along. Crowds lined the pavement to see the Queen. 排成一列 使排成一列2. to mark with lines. 用線標示 用线标示lineage (ˈliniidʒ) noun ancestry. 世系 世系linear (ˈliniə) adjective of, consisting of or like a line or lines. 直線的,線狀的 直线的,线性的 lined adjective having lines. lined paper; a lined face. 有線條的,有紋路的 有线条的,起皱纹的 ˈliner noun a ship or aircraft of a regular line or company. They sailed to America in a large liner. 客輪,班機 客轮,班机 lines noun plural the words an actor has to say. He had difficulty remembering his lines. 台詞 台词ˈlinesman (ˈlainz-) noun in sport, a judge or umpire at a boundary line. 邊線裁判員 边线裁判员,巡边员 hard lines! bad luck!. 真倒楣! 真倒霉!in line for likely to get or to be given something. He is in line for promotion. 下一個輪到 可以得到in/out of line with in or out of agreement with. His views are out of line with those of his colleagues. 與...一致,與...不一致 跟 ... 一致/跟 ... 不一致 line up1. to form a line. The children lined up ready to leave the classroom; She lined up the chairs. 排隊 排队2. to collect and arrange in readiness. We've lined up several interesting guests to appear on the programme (noun ˈline-up). 組織,邀集 组织,邀集 read between the lines to understand something (from a piece of writing etc) which is not actually stated. 領悟出箇中含意 体会言外之意


(riːd) past tense, past participle read (red) verb1. to look at and understand (printed or written words or other signs). Have you read this letter?; Can your little girl read yet?; Can anyone here read Chinese?; to read music; I can read (= understand without being told) her thoughts/mind. 閱讀,看懂 阅读2. to learn by reading. I read in the paper today that the government is going to cut taxes again. 看到 获悉3. to read aloud, usually to someone else. I read my daughter a story before she goes to bed; I read to her before she goes to bed. 朗讀 朗读4. to pass one's time by reading books etc for pleasure etc. I don't have much time to read these days. 將閱讀當作消遣 阅读5. to study (a subject) at a university etc. 攻讀 攻读6. to look at or be able to see (something) and get information from it. I can't read the clock without my glasses; The nurse read the thermometer. 讀取 辨认7. to be written or worded; to say. His letter reads as follows: `Dear Sir, ...' 書寫的內容是 (文章或信)内容是 8. (of a piece of writing etc) to make a (good, bad etc) impression. This report reads well. 讀起來 读起来9. (of dials, instruments etc) to show a particular figure, measurement etc. The thermometer reads –5C. 顯示 读数是10. to (cause a word, phrase etc to) be replaced by another, eg in a document or manuscript. There is one error on this page – For `two yards', read `two metres'; `Two yards long' should read `two metres long'. (訂正詞誤)改成 (在勘误表中)用...代替 noun the act, or a period, of reading. I like a good read before I go to sleep. 閱讀,一段閱讀時間 一段阅读时间ˈreadable adjective (negative unreadable). 1. easy or pleasant to read. I don't usually enjoy poetry but I find these poems very readable. 讀起來有趣的,流暢的 使人爱读的,易读的 2. able to be read. Your handwriting is scarcely readable. 清楚可讀的 (笔迹)清楚的 ˈreadableness noun 流暢易讀,清楚可讀 清楚易读,值得一读 ˌreadaˈbility noun 易讀性,可讀性 易读,可读性有趣味 ˈreader noun1. a person who reads books, magazines etc. He's a keen reader. 閱讀的人 读者2. a person who reads a particular newspaper, magazine etc. The editor asked readers to write to him with their opinions. 讀者 读者3. a reading-book, especially for children or for learners of a foreign language. a Latin reader. 讀本 读本ˈreadership noun the (number of) people who read a newspaper, magazine etc. 讀者(人數) 读者(总数) ˈreading noun1. the act of reading. 閱讀 2. the reading of something aloud, as a (public) entertainment. a poetry reading. 朗誦 朗诵3. the ability to read. The boy is good at reading. 閱讀能力 阅读能力4. the figure, measurement etc on a dial, instrument etc. The reading on the thermometer was –5 C. 讀數 读数reading-1. for the purpose of reading. reading-glasses; a reading-room in a library. 閱讀用的 供阅读用的2. for learning to read. a reading-book. 學習閱讀用的 学习阅读用的ˈreading material noun a list of books, stories, articles etc that need to be read for one's studies. 閱讀書目 阅读资料ˈreading matter noun something written for others to read (eg books, newspapers, letters). There's a lot of interesting reading matter in our local library. 讀物 读物ˈread-outplural ˈread-outs noun data produced by a computer, eg on magnetic or paper tape. 電腦輸出資料 读出read between the lines to look for or find information (eg in a letter) which is not actually stated. 找出箇中含意 体会字里行间的言外之意read off to read from a dial, instrument etc. The engineer read off the temperatures one by one. 讀取 读取read on to continue to read; to read further. He paused for a few moments, and then read on. 繼續讀,讀下去 继续读read out to read aloud. Read out the answers to the questions. 宣讀 宣读read over/through to read from beginning to end. I'll read through your manuscript, and let you know if I find any mistakes. 從頭到尾讀過 重通读,仔细阅读

read between the lines

read between the lines

To infer or understand the real or hidden meaning behind the superficial appearance of something. "Lines" refers to lines of text on a printed page. He gave a very diplomatic explanation, but if you read between the lines, it seems like he was fired for political reasons. Reading between the lines, it looks the like the company is bracing for a hostile takeover.See also: between, line, read

read between the lines

Fig. to infer something (from something else); to try to understand what is meant by something that is not written explicitly or openly. After listening to what she said, if you read between the lines, you can begin to see what she really means. Don't believe every thing you read literally. Learn to read between the lines.See also: between, line, read

read between the lines

Perceive or detect a hidden meaning, as in They say that everything's fine, but reading between the lines I suspect they have some marital problems . This term comes from cryptography, where in one code reading every second line of a message gives a different meaning from that of the entire text. [Mid-1800s] See also: between, line, read

read between the lines

COMMON If you read between the lines, you understand what someone really means, or what is really happening in a situation, even though it is not stated openly. He was reluctant to go into details, but reading between the lines it appears that he was forced to leave. Note: You can also talk about the message between the lines. He didn't give a reason, but I sensed something between the lines. He was forced to confess to the crime, but he tried to send a message between the lines at his trial.See also: between, line, read

read between the lines

look for or discover a meaning that is hidden or implied rather than explicitly stated. 1994 American Spectator Those familiar with the virulent animosity in this element of black racism can read between the lines to get a fuller picture. See also: between, line, read

ˌread between the ˈlines

find or look for a hidden or extra meaning in something a person says or writes, usually their real feelings about something: Reading between the lines, it was obvious that he was feeling lonely.See also: between, line, read

read between the lines

To perceive or detect an obscure or unexpressed meaning: learned to read between the lines of corporate annual reports to discern areas of fiscal weakness.See also: between, line, read

read between the lines, to

To deduce hidden meanings from what is actually said and written. The term comes from cryptography, in which one kind of code actually presents a message on every second line, with a quite different sense imparted if one reads the intervening lines as well. The term began to be used figuratively in the mid-nineteenth century. James Martineau wrote (Essays Philosophical and Theological, 1866), “No writer was ever more read between the lines.”See also: between, read

read between the lines

Infer an unexpressed meaning. An early method of transmitting written coded messages was to write the secret information in invisible ink between the lines of a document. The recipient would then learn the information by reading between the lines. The phrase came to mean gaining an insight in the context of reading something into another person's words or behavior—and often both. For example, you, your spouse, and teenage son are invited to a family gathering. Your son's reaction when he heard the news was to stare at the floor and mutter, “Well, okay if I gotta.” Reading between the lines, you'd say that he's not crazy about going.See also: between, line, read

read between the lines

  • verb

Words related to read between the lines

verb read what is implied but not expressed on the surface

Related Words

  • construe
  • interpret
  • see




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