Presidium Court
Presidium Court
in the USSR, a collegial body in krai, oblast, and city courts and the courts of autonomous oblasts, autonomous okrugs, and republics, which fulfills a supervisory function. The presidium consists of the president of a particular court, his deputies, and members of the court. The composition of the court presidium is ratified by the executive committee of the appropriate soviet of people’s deputies, while the presidia of the supreme courts of Union and autonomous republics are ratified by the presidia of the supreme Soviets of these republics.
The presidia of the supreme courts of krai, oblast, and city courts and the courts of autonomous okrugs hear cases on appeal of appellate rulings of the divisions of these courts; on sentences, judgments, and rulings of raion or city people’s courts that have taken legal effect; and on decisions of people’s judges concerning indictment. The presidium of the supreme court of a Union republic hears appeals of sentences, judgments, rulings, and resolutions of any republic court (including the rulings of its own judicial divisions delivered on an appellate or supervisory basis) and of sentences, judgments, and rulings of divisions of the republic supreme court that initially heard the case.
The procurator must participate when cases are heard by the court presidium.