Staff Command Exercise
Staff Command Exercise
a type of training for commanders and staffs. Staff command exercises are held to increase the coordination of the organs of administration and to provide an opportunity to master the theory and practice of organization and the implementation of various types of combat operations.
Staff command exercises are conducted using topographical maps as well as on the actual terrain. Each participant fulfills the functional duties of his staff position or of the position he assumes in the exercise. A staff command exercise on the terrain is usually conducted with a designated enemy and with means of communications. Staff command exercises are differentiated according to their scope as tactical, operational, and strategic exercises; according to the number of command levels participating in the exercise (battalion, regiment, etc.) as one-level, two-level, and three-level exercises; and according to the number of sides playing the game, as one-sided and two-sided exercises. A leader, a directing staff, and control officer are appointed to conduct a staff command exercise. At the end of the exercise the participants analyze the activity.