Acronym | Definition |
BBE➣Bible in Basic English |
BBE➣Board of Bar Examiners (various locations) |
BBE➣Bundesnetzwerk Bürgerschaftliches Engagement (Germany) |
BBE➣Bachelor of the Built Environment (various locations) |
BBE➣Bad Block on Device |
BBE➣Baseband Equipment |
BBE➣Bass Booster Effect |
BBE➣Bass Boost Equalizer |
BBE➣Bilingual/Bicultural Education (various schools) |
BBE➣Best Boss Ever |
BBE➣Barely Breaking Even (UK record label) |
BBE➣Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering (University of Minnesota) |
BBE➣Barter Business Exchange (North Carolina) |
BBE➣Bevel Both Ends (pipe design) |
BBE➣Bijzondere Bijstands Eenheid (Dutch counter-terrorism group) |
BBE➣Barcus Berry Electronics |
BBE➣Barcus-Berry Electronics |
BBE➣Best Brother Ever |
BBE➣Best Before End (band) |
BBE➣Best Before End (food expiry date) |
BBE➣Bulletin Board Elite |
BBE➣Background Block Error |
BBE➣Belgian Bakery Event (Brussels, Belgium) |
BBE➣Black-Book Editions (role-playing games; Lyon, France) |
BBE➣Baby Blue Eyes |
BBE➣Boé Bon-Encontre (two French towns) |
BBE➣Bartlett Brainard Eacott, Incorporated (Bloomfield, CT) |
BBE➣Beddy-Bye Eyed (closing eyes dolls) |
BBE➣Bachelor of Business Education |
BBE➣Bachelor of Business Economics |
BBE➣Boss Buro Express (Paris, France) |
BBE➣Broadband Europe |
BBE➣Best Boyfriend Ever |
BBE➣Bijzondere Bijstands Eenheid Van de Mariniers (Dutch: Special Assistance Unit of the Marines) |
BBE➣Be Back Eventually |
BBE➣Boom, Bust & Echo (band) |
BBE➣Boom, Bust & Echo (book on Canadian demographic trends) |
BBE➣Bilateral Below Elbow (amputation) |
BBE➣Broadband Equivalent |
BBE➣Bilfinger Berger Environmental Ltd |
BBE➣Before the Buffet Era |
BBE➣Blue Book Extra (UK rights-of-way law) |
BBE➣Broadway Bach Ensemble (New York) |
BBE➣Béton du Bassin de l'Escaut (French: Concrete of the Scheldt Basin; Belgium) |
BBE➣Boulet Bureau d'Etudes (French: Bullet Engineering Office) |