TFAThe Force Awakens
TFATransformers: Animated (TV cartoon)
TFATrade Facilitation Agreement (alliance)
TFATrifluoroacetic Acid
TFATeach For America
TFATwenty Fifth Amendment (US Constitution)
TFATourism for All (UK)
TFATurbo Profiler Area File
TFATwo Factor Authentication
TFAToo Few Actual
TFATime-Frequency Analysis
TFAToughest Firefighter Alive (firefighter challenge)
TFATrès Faible Activité (French: Very Slow Activity; nuclear waste radioactivity measurement)
TFATrans Fatty Acid
TFATranscription Factor Assay
TFAThings Fall Apart (Chinua Achebe book)
TFATime Finance Adjusters (Daytona Beach, FL)
TFAThyroid Foundation of America
TFATime Fades Away (album)
TFATwo Factor Authentication (computer security authentication)
TFATopic-Focus Articulation (linguistics)
TFATemporary Family Assistance (Connecticut)
TFATreated Fresh Air Unit (indoor ventilation; India)
TFATotal Fatty Acids
TFAToyota Finance Australia (automobiles)
TFATransitional Finance Authority (New York City)
TFATime for Action
TFATennessee Forestry Association (Nashville, TN)
TFAThanks For Asking
TFATransfer Factor Advance (Autoimmune Disease)
TFATexas Forensic Association
TFATreasury Financial Agent (taxation)
TFAThe Fallen Angels (gaming clan)
TFATask Force Alpha (Vietnam era military operation)
TFATask Force Activity (International Reference Ionosphere; US NASA)
TFAThe Feral Aggressors (World of Warcraft guild)
TFATotal Flow Area (petroleum industry)
TFAThe Flaming Arrow
TFATransparent File Access
TFATrajectory Feasibility Analysis
TFAThe Future Antiques (St. Louis, MO)
TFAThreat from Above (World of Warcraft group quest)
TFATheft from Autos (crimes)
TFATimber Frame Association (UK)
TFATubman Family Alliance (Minnesota)
TFATelstra Football Anytime (Australia)
TFAThe Fireworks Alliance (various locations)
TFATochigi Football Association (Tochigi, Japan)
TFATokyo Football Association (Tokyo, Japan)
TFATanks Focus Area
TFAToxic Free Area
TFATangible Fixed Assets
TFATarget Factor Analysis
TFATotal Fixed Assets
TFATrend Filtering Algorithm
TFATrade Facilitation Alliance
TFAThe Fashion Association (now part of American Apparel and Footwear Association)
TFATIE Fighter Alliance (gaming organization)
TFATemporary Field Authorization (Canada)
TFATechnical Field Assistance
TFAThe Firefly Academy (online, nature-based school)
TFATrust Fund Advisors, Inc.
TFATransfer Function Analyzer
TFATechnical Field Advisor (various organizations)
TFAThe Friendly Alliance (gaming clan)
TFATelecommunications For All (email news)
TFATechnical Focus Area
TFAThe Fighting Alliance (gamming clan)
TFATrade Fair Authority (India)
TFATanganyika Farmers' Association Limited (Arusha, Tanzania)
TFAThe Freaking Article (also see RTFA; polite form)
TFATypical Fat American
TFATotal Force Assessment
TFATransfer Frame Assembly
TFATransient Fault Analysis
TFATake for Action