Venev, Stoian

Venev, Stoian


Born Sept. 21, 1904, in the village of Skriniano, Kiustendil Okrug. Bulgarian artist.

Venev studied in the Art Academy in Sofia. In the 1920’s and 1930’s he became a master of proletarian satirical graphic art. Since the second half of the 1930’s he has produced mostly humorous scenes from peasant life (The Merry Year, 1957, National Art Gallery in Sofia). His painting is festively bright and physical, with a generalized treatment of stocky figures and rhythmic composition. A series of his late paintings is characterized by a severe dramatic and heroic spirit. He received the Dimitrov Prize in 1950 and 1953 and was named a People’s Artist in 1954.


Dinov, T. Stoian Venev. Sofia, 1955.
Stoian Venev. Moscow, 1969.