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DictionarySeetuberculosisreactivation tuberculosis
sec·on·dar·y tu·ber·cu·lo·sistuberculosis found in adults and characterized by lesions near the apex of an upper lobe, which may cavitate or heal with scarring without spreading to lymph nodes; theoretically, secondary tuberculosis may be due to exogenous reinfection or to reactivation of a dormant endogenous infection. Synonym(s): adult tuberculosis, postprimary tuberculosis, reactivation tuberculosis, reinfection tuberculosissec·on·dar·y tu·ber·cu·lo·sis (sek'ŏn-dar-ē tū-bĕr'kyū-lō'sis) Tuberculosis found in adults characterized by lesions near the apex of an upper lobe, which may cavitate or heal with scarring without spreading to lymph nodes; theoretically, secondary tuberculosis may be due to exogenous reinfection or to reactivation of a dormant endogenous infection. Synonym(s): reactivation tuberculosis. sec·on·dar·y tu·ber·cu·lo·sis (sek'ŏn-dar-ē tū-bĕr'kyū-lō'sis) Tuberculosis found in adults characterized by lesions near the apex of an upper lobe, which may cavitate or heal with scarring without spreading to lymph nodes. Synonym(s): reactivation tuberculosis. |