reactivation tuberculosis

sec·on·dar·y tu·ber·cu·lo·sis

tuberculosis found in adults and characterized by lesions near the apex of an upper lobe, which may cavitate or heal with scarring without spreading to lymph nodes; theoretically, secondary tuberculosis may be due to exogenous reinfection or to reactivation of a dormant endogenous infection. Synonym(s): adult tuberculosis, postprimary tuberculosis, reactivation tuberculosis, reinfection tuberculosis

sec·on·dar·y tu·ber·cu·lo·sis

(sek'ŏn-dar-ē tū-bĕr'kyū-lō'sis) Tuberculosis found in adults characterized by lesions near the apex of an upper lobe, which may cavitate or heal with scarring without spreading to lymph nodes; theoretically, secondary tuberculosis may be due to exogenous reinfection or to reactivation of a dormant endogenous infection.
Synonym(s): reactivation tuberculosis.

sec·on·dar·y tu·ber·cu·lo·sis

(sek'ŏn-dar-ē tū-bĕr'kyū-lō'sis) Tuberculosis found in adults characterized by lesions near the apex of an upper lobe, which may cavitate or heal with scarring without spreading to lymph nodes.
Synonym(s): reactivation tuberculosis.