

单词 suggestion



S0870100 (səg-jĕs′chən, sə-jĕs′-)n.1. The act of suggesting: bought the book at my suggestion.2. Something suggested: Are you going to follow my suggestions?3. The sequential process by which one thought or mental image leads to another.4. a. A psychological process by which an idea is induced in or adopted by another without argument, command, or coercion.b. An idea or response so induced.5. A hint or trace: just a suggestion of makeup; the first suggestion of trouble ahead.


(səˈdʒɛstʃən) n1. something that is suggested2. a hint or indication: a suggestion of the odour of violets. 3. (Psychology) psychol the process whereby the mere presentation of an idea to a receptive individual leads to the acceptance of that idea. See also autosuggestion


(səgˈdʒɛs tʃən, sə-)

n. 1. the act of suggesting or the state of being suggested. 2. something suggested, as a piece of advice. 3. a slight trace: a suggestion of tears in his eyes. 4. the calling up in the mind of one idea by another by virtue of some association or of some natural connection between the ideas. 5. the idea thus called up. 6. a. the process of inducing a thought, sensation, or action in a receptive person without using persuasion and without giving rise to reflection in the recipient. b. the thought, sensation, or action so induced. [1300–50]


  • suggest - To suggest something is, etymologically, to "carry it under," from Latin sub-, "under" and gerere, "bring, carry."
  • addubitation - The suggestion of a doubt.
  • lonely, lonesome, forlorn, desolate - Lonely adds to solitary a suggestion of longing for companionship, while lonesome heightens the suggestion of sadness; forlorn and desolate are even more isolated and sad.
  • suggestion - Started out as "prompting to evil, temptation by the devil."
Noun1.suggestion - an idea that is suggestedsuggestion - an idea that is suggested; "the picnic was her suggestion"idea, thought - the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about; "it was not a good idea"; "the thought never entered my mind"glimmering, inkling, intimation, glimmer - a slight suggestion or vague understanding; "he had no inkling what was about to happen"posthypnotic suggestion - a suggestion that is made to a person who is hypnotized that specifies an action he will perform (usually in response to a cue) after he has awakened
2.suggestion - a proposal offered for acceptance or rejection; "it was a suggestion we couldn't refuse"proffer, propositionproposal - something proposed (such as a plan or assumption)hint, intimation, breath - an indirect suggestion; "not a breath of scandal ever touched her"touch, trace, ghost - a suggestion of some quality; "there was a touch of sarcasm in his tone"; "he detected a ghost of a smile on her face"feeler, overture, advance, approach - a tentative suggestion designed to elicit the reactions of others; "she rejected his advances"
3.suggestion - a just detectable amountsuggestion - a just detectable amount; "he speaks French with a trace of an accent"trace, hintsmall indefinite amount, small indefinite quantity - an indefinite quantity that is below average size or magnitudespark - a small but noticeable trace of some quality that might become stronger; "a spark of interest"; "a spark of decency"
4.suggestion - persuasion formulated as a suggestionpromptingpersuasion, suasion - the act of persuading (or attempting to persuade); communication intended to induce belief or action
5.suggestion - the sequential mental process in which one thought leads to another by associationhigher cognitive process - cognitive processes that presuppose the availability of knowledge and put it to use
6.suggestion - the act of inducing hypnosissuggestion - the act of inducing hypnosis hypnotism, mesmerisminfluence - causing something without any direct or apparent effort


noun1. recommendation, proposal, proposition, plan, motion, submission I have lots of suggestions for the park's future.2. hint, implication, insinuation, intimation There is absolutely no suggestion of any mainstream political party involvement.3. trace, touch, hint, shadow, impression, breath, indication, whisper, suspicion, ghost, intimation that fashionably faint suggestion of a tan


noun1. Something that is put forward for consideration:proposal, proposition, submission.2. Something, such as a feeling, thought, or idea, associated in one's mind or imagination with a specific person or thing:association, connection, connotation.3. A subtle pointing out:clue, cue, hint, intimation.4. A slight amount or indication:breath, dash, ghost, hair, hint, intimation, semblance, shade, shadow, soupçon, streak, suspicion, taste, tinge, touch, trace, whiff, whisper.Informal: whisker.


(səˈdʒest) , ((American also) səg-) verb1. to put (an idea etc) before another person etc for consideration; to propose. He suggested a different plan; I suggest doing it a different way; She suggested to me one or two suitable people for the committee; I suggest that we have lunch now. 建議 建议2. to put (an idea etc) into a person's mind; to hint. Are you suggesting that I'm too old for the job?; An explanation suddenly suggested itself to me. 啟發,暗示 启发,暗示 sugˈgestion (-tʃən) noun1. the act of suggesting. 建議 建议2. something that is suggested; a proposal or idea. Has anyone any other suggestions to make?; What a clever suggestion! 主意,建議 主意,建议 3. a slight trace or sign. There was a suggestion of boredom in his tone. 暗示 暗示




at (one's) suggestion

Because one has proposed or suggested something. I went to that restaurant at Cathy's suggestion, but I wasn't impressed with it.See also: suggestion

on (one's) suggestion

Because one has proposed or suggested something. I went to that restaurant on Cathy's suggestion, but I wasn't impressed with it.See also: on, suggestion

at/on somebody’s sugˈgestion

because somebody suggested it: At his suggestion, I bought the more expensive printer.See also: on, suggestion



Psychol the process whereby the mere presentation of an idea to a receptive individual leads to the acceptance of that idea



in the broad sense of the word, an influence on the personality leading either to the appearance in a person, without (and sometimes against) his will and consciousness, of a definite state (for example, cheerfulness, confidence), feelings (such as fear), and attitudes (to an object, to oneself, or to one’s own condition) or to the accomplishment of an act not directly proceeding from the norms and principles of activity that the individual accepts. The object of suggestion can be either the individual person or groups, collectives, and social strata (the phenomenon of mass suggestion). The psychological mechanisms of suggestion lie to a large extent in the realm of the unconscious.

Individual and mass suggestion are one of the regulators of human interrelations. Several phenomena in education, the effects of advertising, and the widespread acceptance of fashion are based on acts of suggestion. Suggestion is also the basic means in the formation of belief and religious convictions and is one of the psychological mechanisms in the phenomenon of conformity.


Bekhterev, V. M. Vnushenie i vospitanie. St. Petersburg, 1912.
Kulikov, V. N. “ Voprosy psikhologii vnusheniia v obshchestvennoi zhizni. In the collection Problemy obshchestvennoi psikhologii. Moscow, 1965. [5_494_4]



in medicine, a method of treatment in which the physician convinces a patient, who is either awake or under hypnosis, that the disease from which he suffers will run a favorable course and that he will recover; the patient can also be convinced of the possibility of overcoming various symptoms of the illness.

Suggestion can be applied as an independent method or it can be combined with medications and other methods of treatment. It is used in neuroses, several forms of mental disorders, neurosis of internal organs, and other illnesses. The effect of suggestion as a treatment depends on the makeup of the patient’s personality and on the particularities of his illness. The basic scientific, physiological principles of suggestion as treatment in a hypnotic state were developed by I. P. Pavlov and his school. The essence of the method is use of the dependence of the activity of internal organs and systems on the function of the central nervous system; by suggestion it is possible to bring about a certain normalization when there is a disturbance of these organs and systems. In addition to this, suggestion can change the patient’s attitude toward his illness and some of its symptoms. Any method of treatment contains elements of suggestion; the patient’s faith in the favorable outcome of the illness and in the doctor’s prescriptions enhances the effectiveness and shortens the period of the treatment. However, in most dis-eases of the internal organs, organic brain diseases, psychoses, and so on, suggestion cannot be employed as an independent method of treatment but is part of a composite treatment that includes medications, physiotherapy, and other methods applicable to each specific disease.

Autosuggestion exists as a special method in psychotherapy; it also forms a basis for several other psychotherapeutic methods, such as autogenous training.

Suggestion, as in the case of other methods, is to be carried out only by a physician; he determines the extent and the indications for the specific method of suggestion.

Suggestion can also exert a negative influence on the course of a disease. The conversations of neighbors about the disease and its symptoms, details of the descriptions of dis-eases in medical literature, and careless use of terms and explanations by the physician can cause anxiety in the patient and make him think that he exhibits symptoms of a serious and even incurable disease. Both the positive and negative effects of suggestion are realized by auto-suggestion—the patient’s conviction of the effectiveness, truthfulness, and accuracy of information obtained from the physician, medical personnel, neighbors, material read by the patient, and other sources.


Platonov, K. I. Slovo kak fiziologicheskii lechebnyi faktor, 3rd ed. Moscow, 1962. (Bibliography.)




 [sug-jes´chun] 1. the act of offering an idea for action or for consideration of action.2. an idea so offered.3. in psychiatry, the process of causing uncritical acceptance of an idea.hypnotic suggestion one imparted to a person in the hypnotic state.posthypnotic suggestion implantation in the mind of a subject during hypnosis of a suggestion to be acted upon after recovery from the hypnotic state.


(sŭg-jes'chŭn), The implanting of an idea in the mind of another by some word or act on one's part, the subject's conduct or physical condition being influenced to some degree by the implanted idea.
See also: autosuggestion.
[L. sug-gero (subg-), pp. -gestus, to bring under, supply]


(səg-jĕs′chən, sə-jĕs′-)n.a. A psychological process by which an idea is induced in or adopted by another without argument, command, or coercion.b. An idea or response so induced.


Psychiatry The influencing of a Pt to accept an idea, belief, or attitude suggested by a therapist. See Countersuggestion, Hypnosis, Hypnotic suggestion.


(sŭg-jes'chŭn) The implanting of an idea in the mind of another by some word or act on one's part, the subject's conduct or physical condition being influenced to some degree by the implanted idea.
See also: autosuggestion
[L. sug-gero (subg-), pp. -gestus, to bring under, supply]


(sŭg-jes'chŭn) Implanting an idea in mind of another by some word or act on one's part, subject's conduct or physical condition being influenced to some degree by implanted idea. [L. sug-gero (subg-), pp. -gestus, to bring under, supply]

Patient discussion about suggestion

Q. What are your suggestions? My sister is quite athletic. She loves to go riding. She is very fussy and irritable otherwise. She was in her 50s when she had a fall from the horse. For the past 5 years, she has been complaining of pain in her knee, upper buttocks, thighs, shoulder and elbow. Initially I thought it was to do with the fall and her age. Now she is having a very bad constipation and feels bloated. This is making her depressed. I will be taking her to a doctor soon. But I feel that she is showing some signs of fibromyalgia. Since all these symptoms point to this problem, what are your suggestions?A. A medical doctor is the only one who could figure it all out.
The symptoms could be from arthritis which comes with her age.
Many women begin to have problems with osteoporosis in middle age.
Some medications for cholesterol have side effects with symptoms like you describe concerning pain in lower legs.
As far as depression from the change in lifestyle, she could consider going riding in a buggy with her horse. The riding could help with alleviating stress and help make her life more enjoyable again. Being around horses and animals is good therapy for many people. I know horses like apples and are easy to make friends with. If she has not been out and about with horses lately, some time there could be a very good thing. This is why visiting a zoo is so comforting to many or having a pet.
I don't know if anything in this reply will help anyone. I just had to give it a try.

Q. Do you have any suggestions for me? My dad keeps repeating himself the whole time about his past achievements. He goes on and on about how he helped to open a prestigious sports club that had produced many athletes and rugby players. He dwells on the past too much. He will clean the floor several times. He will yell at children sitting at side of the roads. He eats too many sweet things. He does not sleep at night or if he sleeps it’s towards the early hours in the morning. But he does wakes up early in the morning and will start to prepare omelets for us. I don’t know how he gets this much energy to work and talk. But this worries me. Is he heading towards a bipolar condition? Do you have any suggestions for me? A. how old is he..? Bipolar disorder usually erupt earlier in life if he is more then 50 years old. if he is more then 60- there are others thing i would worry about. does he seems to forget where he is? are some of his stories are not fully true? you probably heard his stories before, anything changed..? if so- i would go to a Dr. and check it up, it might be Alzheimer or some sort. any way it might be best to let a Dr. see him.

Q. Your suggestions please. Hi everyone! I am happy and doing good. My pregnant wife who in second month gets disturbed due to noise around and she want to relax for some time. I thought of taking her to a Massage Centre but she feels that to be harmful during pregnancy. Your suggestions please.A. A)Massage for pregnant woman is not at all a problem. Special spa for pregnant women’s is available. Spas can take care of them well as they are specially designed for them. Rather the massage will make her relax and she will feel her skin more enriched and healthy. Some spas do have prenatal massage package, please check with them. It would also be better if she go for some facial and scalp massage to relax.

More discussions about suggestion


SUGGESTION. In its literal sense this word signifies to inform, to insinuate, to instruct, to cause to be remembered, to counsel. In practice it is used to convey the idea of information; as, the defendant suggests the death of one of the plaintiffs. 2 Sell. Pr. 191.
2. In wills, when suggestions are made to a testator for the purpose of procuring a devise of his property in a particular way, and when such suggestions are false, they generally amount to a fraud. Bac. Ab. Wills, G 3; 5 Toull. n. 706.


  • noun

Synonyms for suggestion

noun recommendation


  • recommendation
  • proposal
  • proposition
  • plan
  • motion
  • submission

noun hint


  • hint
  • implication
  • insinuation
  • intimation

noun trace


  • trace
  • touch
  • hint
  • shadow
  • impression
  • breath
  • indication
  • whisper
  • suspicion
  • ghost
  • intimation

Synonyms for suggestion

noun something that is put forward for consideration


  • proposal
  • proposition
  • submission

noun something, such as a feeling, thought, or idea, associated in one's mind or imagination with a specific person or thing


  • association
  • connection
  • connotation

noun a subtle pointing out


  • clue
  • cue
  • hint
  • intimation

noun a slight amount or indication


  • breath
  • dash
  • ghost
  • hair
  • hint
  • intimation
  • semblance
  • shade
  • shadow
  • soupçon
  • streak
  • suspicion
  • taste
  • tinge
  • touch
  • trace
  • whiff
  • whisper
  • whisker

Synonyms for suggestion

noun an idea that is suggested

Related Words

  • idea
  • thought
  • glimmering
  • inkling
  • intimation
  • glimmer
  • posthypnotic suggestion

noun a proposal offered for acceptance or rejection


  • proffer
  • proposition

Related Words

  • proposal
  • hint
  • intimation
  • breath
  • touch
  • trace
  • ghost
  • feeler
  • overture
  • advance
  • approach

noun a just detectable amount


  • trace
  • hint

Related Words

  • small indefinite amount
  • small indefinite quantity
  • spark

noun persuasion formulated as a suggestion


  • prompting

Related Words

  • persuasion
  • suasion

noun the sequential mental process in which one thought leads to another by association

Related Words

  • higher cognitive process

noun the act of inducing hypnosis


  • hypnotism
  • mesmerism

Related Words

  • influence




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