Acronym | Definition |
TIA➣Thanks In Advance |
TIA➣Terrorism Information Awareness (US DARPA program; formerly Total Information Awareness) |
TIA➣Telecommunications Industry Association |
TIA➣Total Information Awareness (US DARPA program; now Terrorism Information Awareness) |
TIA➣Transient Ischemic Attack |
TIA➣Toy Industry Association, Inc. |
TIA➣Tire Industry Association |
TIA➣Totally Integrated Automation (Siemens AG) |
TIA➣This Is America |
TIA➣Travel Industry Association of America |
TIA➣Tampa International Airport |
TIA➣Today I Ate |
TIA➣That Is All (internet slang) |
TIA➣Tradition in Action (relgious group) |
TIA➣Time Impact Analysis |
TIA➣The Intellectual Activist |
TIA➣Totally Integrated Automation |
TIA➣Total Information Awareness |
TIA➣Technology Industry Association |
TIA➣Telecommunications Industries Association |
TIA➣Transimpedance Amplifier |
TIA➣Telecommunications and Information Administration |
TIA➣Take It Away |
TIA➣Trust Indenture Act of 1939 |
TIA➣Traffic Impact Analysis |
TIA➣Transport Impact Assessment (various locations) |
TIA➣Tucson International Airport |
TIA➣The Interfaith Alliance |
TIA➣Tentative Interim Amendment |
TIA➣Tribhuvan International Airport (Nepal) |
TIA➣This Is Africa (movie) |
TIA➣The Internet Adapter |
TIA➣Thanks in Anticipation |
TIA➣Truth In Advertising |
TIA➣Tortilla Industry Association |
TIA➣Type Inspection Authorization |
TIA➣Tulsa International Airport |
TIA➣Transport Infrastructure Act (Australia) |
TIA➣Time Interval Analyzer |
TIA➣Technology Industries Association |
TIA➣Tochigi International Association (Japan) |
TIA➣Terminologie et Intelligence Artificielle |
TIA➣Tax Injunction Act |
TIA➣Team Instant Action (gaming) |
TIA➣Technology Investment Agreement |
TIA➣Television Interface Adaptor (chip found in old Atari consoles) |
TIA➣Traffic Improvement Association |
TIA➣Terrorism Information Awareness System |
TIA➣Tournament Indoor Association (color guard group) |
TIA➣Tobacco Institute of Australia |
TIA➣This Is Anfield (fanzine website) |
TIA➣This Is Awkward |
TIA➣Tourism Industry Association of New Zealand (also seen as TIANZ) |
TIA➣Takings Impact Assessment (Texas Department of Transportation) |
TIA➣Temporary Insurance Agreement |
TIA➣The Insurance Application (Denmark) |
TIA➣That Is Alright |
TIA➣Tirana, Albania - Rinas (Airport Code) |
TIA➣Trotsky Internet Archive |
TIA➣Temporary Investigative Authority |
TIA➣Transparency International Australia |
TIA➣Tecnicos en Investigación Aeroterraquea (Spanish comic book) |
TIA➣Tohoku Internet Association (Japan) |
TIA➣Training Impact Analysis |
TIA➣Techniques Industrielles Appliquées (French: Applied Industrial Technologies) |
TIA➣Technical Interest Area |
TIA➣Terminal Indicate Assignment |
TIA➣Technology Information Advisor |
TIA➣Talking in Acronyms |
TIA➣Tactical Interface Adapter |
TIA➣Technical Interface Agreement |
TIA➣Transparency In Armaments agreement |
TIA➣Total Inactive Aircraft |
TIA➣Teknoland Internet Agency |
TIA➣Telescope and Instrument Assembly |
TIA➣Test Interface Assembly |
TIA➣Technology Integration & Application |
TIA➣Temperature Indicating Alarm |
TIA➣Texas Indoor Advertising |