present arms

pre·sent arms

P0537700 (prĭ-zĕnt′)n.1. A position in the military manual of arms in which the rifle is held vertically in front of the body.2. A command to assume present arms or to give a hand salute.


(priˈzent) verb1. to give, especially formally or ceremonially. The child presented a bunch of flowers to the Queen; He was presented with a gold watch when he retired. 致贈,敬獻(如典禮上獻花) 赠送2. to introduce. May I present my wife (to you)? 介紹 介绍3. to arrange the production of (a play, film etc). The Elizabethan Theatre Company presents `Hamlet', by William Shakespeare. 上演 上演4. to offer (ideas etc) for consideration, or (a problem etc) for solving. She presents (=expresses) her ideas very clearly; The situation presents a problem. 提出 提出5. to bring (oneself); to appear. He presented himself at the dinner table half an hour late. 出現 出现preˈsenter noun 贈送者 赠送者preˈsentable adjective suitable to be seen, introduced etc. You don't look very presentable in those clothes. 可以見人的,拿得出去的 可以见人的,拿得出去的 ˌpresenˈtation (pre-) noun1. the act of presenting. the presentation of the prizes; the presentation of a new play; (also adjective) a presentation ceremony; a presentation gold watch. 致贈,發表,介紹 赠送,提出,介绍 2. the manner in which written work etc is presented or set out. Try to improve the presentation of your work. 描述 描述3. a performance, or set of repeated performances, of a play, opera etc. This is the best presentation of `Macbeth' that I've ever seen. 演出 演出present arms to hold a rifle upright in front of one, as a salute. 舉槍致敬 举枪敬礼