Payr sign

Payr sign

(pīr), pain on pressure over the sole of the foot; a sign of thrombophlebitis.

Payr sign

(pīr sīn) Pain on pressure over the sole of the foot; a sign of thrombophlebitis.


Erwin, German surgeon, 1871-1946. Payr clamp - a clamp used in gastrectomy or enterectomy.Payr disease - constipation, with left upper quadrant pain. Synonym(s): splenic flexure syndromePayr forcepsPayr gastrectomyPayr membrane - a fold of peritoneum that crosses over the left flexure of the colon.Payr rectractorPayr sign - pain on pressure over the sole of the foot, a sign of thrombophlebitis.Payr syndrome - occurs in approximately 20% of patients with irritable bowel, usually postprandially.