Acronym | Definition |
RRE➣Reaction Rate Equation |
RRE➣Red Ribbon Express (India) |
RRE➣Residual Recovery Entry |
RRE➣Residential Real Estate |
RRE➣Railroad Earth (band) |
RRE➣Red Rock Eater (News Service) |
RRE➣Responsible Reporting Entity (US Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) |
RRE➣Road Race Engineering |
RRE➣Risk Reduction Event |
RRE➣Remote Roof Easy |
RRE➣Rise-And-Run-Length Encoding |
RRE➣Remote Radio Equipment |
RRE➣Reinheim-Reichelsheimer Eisenbahn (German railway) |
RRE➣Royal Radar Establishment (Great Britain) |
RRE➣Réseau Rural d'Education (French: Rural Education Network) |
RRE➣Régime de Retraite des Enseignants (French: Teachers' Retirement Plan; Canada) |
RRE➣Reference Reviews Europe |
RRE➣Regressive Resistive Exercise (occupational therapy) |
RRE➣Rev/Rev Responsive Element (genetics) |
RRE➣Reed Relays and Electronics (reed switch manufacturer; India) |
RRE➣Reduced Regular Expression |
RRE➣Reimagine Reinvent ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning; Towaco, NJ) |
RRE➣Rotary Retraction Engine |
RRE➣Riparian Restoration Experiment (habitat management study; Australia) |