Paynes Creek Historic State Park

Paynes Creek Historic State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Florida
Location:0.5 mile southeast of Bowling Green on Lake Branch Road.
Facilities:Youth camping area, picnic tables, pavilions, playground, trails, visitor center, restrooms (é).
Activities:Fishing, canoeing, hiking, wildlife viewing, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Fort Chokonikla was the first in a chain of fortsconstructed in the 1840s to control the Seminoles. The Seminoles didn'twant war andnever attacked the fort, but the Army was nearly defeated bydisease-carrying mosquitoes. A museum at the park's visitor centerdepicts the lives of Florida's Seminole Indians and the pioneers inthis area during the 19th Century.
Address:888 Lake Branch Rd
Bowling Green, FL 33834

Size: 396 acres.

See other parks in Florida.