

单词 rdt



A gene on chromosome 22q11.23 that encodes a core component of the ATP-dependent chromatin-remodelling BAF (hSWI/SNF) complex, which plays key roles in cell proliferation and differentiation and has antiviral and anti-tumour activity.
Molecular pathology
Defects in SMARCB1 rhabdoid tumour predisposition syndrome type 1, schwannomatosis and mental retardation, autosomal dominant type 1.


1. Renal dialysis treatment.2. Retinal damage threshold.


RDTRevue de Droit du Travail (French: Labor Law Review)
RDTRéseau de Développement Technologique (French)
RDTRuby Development Tools
RDTRemote Desktop
RDTRestricted Data Transmission
RDTRapid Deployment Terminal
RDTResource Definition Table
RDTRecherches et Développements Technologiques (French: Research and Technological Development)
RDTRapid Diagnostic Test
RDTRadio Data Terminal (mobile computing)
RDTRight Defensive Tackle (pro football)
RDTResearch Development Team (various schools)
RDTRegistered Drama Therapist
RDTReliable Data Transfer
RDTRelational Database Technology (computing)
RDTRubyeclipse Development
RDTRandom Drug Testing
RDTRepubblica Democratica Tedesca (Italian)
RDTRemote Digital Terminal (Bellcore)
RDTRaindance Technologies, Inc
RDTRapid Deployment Team (FBI)
RDTReal Data Transport
RDTRoddenberry Dive Team (scuba diving)
RDTReliability Demonstration Test
RDTRepertory Dance Theater
RDTRollback-Dependency Trackability
RDTRassemblement pour la Démocratie à la Télévision (French: Rally for Democracy in Television)
RDTRemote Data Terminal (HP)
RDTRestricted Data Transmissions (hacker group)
RDTRoll Damn Tide (University of Alabama slogan)
RDTRadio Digital Terminal
RDTRégie Départementale des Transports (French regional public transportation body)
RDTRevenu Définitivement Taxé (French: Permanently Taxed Income; Belgium)
RDTRadio Dor de Tara (Romania)
RDTRisque Décision Territoire (French: Risk Decision Territory; research program; Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and the Sea)
RDTRapid Deceleration Trauma
RDTReliability Demonstration Testing
RDTRegional Directors' Team (United Nations)
RDTRapid Deployment Training
RDTReally Deep Thoughts
RDTReservoir Description Tool (Halliburton)
RDTRadleys Discovery Technologies
RDTRoving Diver Technique
RDTRobotics & Digital Technology
RDTRim Driven Thruster (marine)
RDTRecall Dial Tone
RDTRepository of Dangerous Things (web comic)
RDTRemote Diagnostic Technologies Ltd
RDTRussian Dictionary Tree
RDTRwanda Development Trust
RDTRadio Data Technology Limited (UK)
RDTReliability Development Test
RDTRay Detection Technologies Ltd
RDTRead Date Time
RDTRotational Directional Transmission
RDTRural Development Training
RDTRemote Debriefing Tool
RDTRelationship Defining Talk
RDTRossington Development Trust (UK)
RDTRhabdoid Tumor
RDTResearch Demonstrates That
RDTRally Drivers Team
RDTRotary Drum Thickener
RDTRequirements Design and Traceability
RDTRegional Decision Team
RDTRemote Display Terminal
RDTRate Distortion Theory
RDTRecycling Design and Technologies (Aust) Pty Ltd
RDTRéception et Décompte des Travaux (French: Receiving and Counting Works; France)
RDTRemaining Dentine Thickness (endodontics)
RDTRosette Drilling Tool
RDTRapidly Developing Thunderstorm
RDTRice Dance Theater (Houston, Texas)
RDTRanger Design Team
RDTResearch Distinction Track (medicine)
RDTRemote Distributed Testing (Adtech)
RDTRapid Decentralization Techniques
RDTRandom Destination Ticket (gaming)
RDTRejestr Dluzników Transportowych
RDTRemote Data Transmitter
RDTRassemblement pour la Démocratie et le Travail (French: Rally for Democracy and Labor (Mali)
RDTRapid Decelleration Trauma
RDTReserve Duty Training
RDTRadio Diagnostic Tool
RDTRational Dog Training (website)
RDTReport and Decision Tracking (System)
RDTRights Description Table
RDTRudolph Diesel Technikum
RDTRegional District Technician
RDTRotational Direction Transmission
RDTRight Downtown
RDTReport Definition Task
RDTReport Definition Table
RDTRandom Discussion Thread
RDTRapid Dissolving Tablet (pharmacology)
RDTRegulation Development Team (various organizations)
RDTResource Discovery Tool
RDTRetail Display Tray
RDTRadial Decision Tree
RDTRhodopi Dramatichen Theatre (Bulgaria)




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