prerenal azotemia

non·re·nal az·o·te·mi·a

, prerenal azotemianitrogen retention resulting from something other than primary renal disease.

prerenal azotemia

Renal underperfusion Nephrology The most common form of acute renal failure, characterized by ↑ nitrogenous waste, due to ↓ blood flow to the kidney Lab ↑ nitrogenous wastes–eg, creatinine and urea, which act as poisons when they accumulate in the body, damaging tissues and compromising organ function Risk factors ↓ blood volume–eg, dehydration, prolonged vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding, burns, etc; pump failure–eg, CHF, shock, kidney trauma or surgery, renal artery embolism, and other types of renal artery occlusion. See Renal failure.