Prerecording and Postsynchronization

Prerecording and Postsynchronization


recording the sound accompaniment of a motion picture at a time other than when the picture is being shot.

In postsynchronization, the sound that is to be matched with the picture is recorded after the picture has been shot. This is necessary because interfering noise often makes it impossible to achieve a high-quality sound recording when a movie is shot on location and not in a studio; the sound track recorded on location is often used to guide the actors in postsynchronization. Speech, music, and various sound effects accompanying the action are recorded in a recording studio as the picture shot earlier is being viewed. This permits an accurate synchronization of the sound with the picture and in particular helps the actor in the recording studio to match up his lines exactly with the lip movements of the actor on the screen. The film is frequently projected onto a screen placed behind the orchestra to allow the conductor and the monitor man to improve sound quality during rehearsals and taping.

Postsynchronization also includes dubbing motion pictures into foreign languages. In the dubbed version of a film, the voices, manners of speaking, and lip movements of the actors dubbing parts are selected to correspond to those of the actors in the original version.

In prerecording, the sound is recorded before the picture is filmed. Prerecording is used chiefly for the precise synchronization of a picture with its musical accompaniment. The subsequent shooting of the picture as the sound is being played allows the actors to coordinate their actions more precisely with the musical accompaniments. In addition, when the sound is prerecorded it is possible to use any part of the shooting and be assured of high-quality sound.


Vysotskii, M. Z. Magnitnaia zvukozapis’ kinofil’mov. Moscow, 1960. Konoplev, B. N. Osnovy fil’moproizvodstva. Moscow, 1969.