

单词 rdp



abbr. recreational dive planner




1. Reliable Data Protocol.

2. Remote Desktop Protocol.


(Remote Desktop Protocol) An input/output presentation protocol from Microsoft that governs the keyboard, mouse and screen formatting between clients and servers in a thin client environment. Based on the T.share protocol, RDP is used by Microsoft's Terminal Services and Remote Desktop Services to provide thin client, centralized architecture for the datacenter. In addition to PCs, dedicated terminals are also available that run RDP. See thin client, Terminal Services and Remote Desktop Services.



RDPRemote Desktop Protocol
RDPReconstruction and Development Programme (RSA)
RDPRural Development Program
RDPRemote Desktop Printing
RDPRecovery and Development Programme (UN)
RDPRemote Display Processor
RDPReceive Differential Pair
RDPRapid Deployment Pack
RDPReliable Datagram Protocol
RDPReliable Data Protocol
RDPRemboursement des Primes (French: Redemption Premiums)
RDPRivière des Prairies (Montréal, Canada)
RDPRegistered Domestic Partner
RDPRemote Display Protocol (Microsoft)
RDPResort Data Processing, Inc (Vail, Colorado)
RDPRapid Deployment Program
RDPRádiodifusão Portuguesa (Portuguese national radio station)
RDPRural Development Plan (EU)
RDPRassemblement pour la Démocratie et le Progrès (French: Gathering for Democracy and Progress)
RDPRow-Diagonal Parity (computer algorithm)
RDPRoyal Dutch Petroleum (now Royal Dutch Shell)
RDPRecreational Dive Planner (scuba diving)
RDPRoute Discovery Process (wireless networks)
RDPResearch and Development Partnerships (US DHS)
RDPRadar Data Processing (FAA)
RDPRadar Data Processing
RDPRouter Design Project
RDPRapid-onset Dystonia-Parkinsonism
RDPRemote Distribution Panel (American Power Conversion Corp.)
RDPRelative Dielectric Permittivity (electricity)
RDPRing Deutscher Pfadfinderinnenverbände (German Girl-Scout Organization)
RDPRegistered Design Professional (architect or engineer)
RDPRadar Data Processor
RDPRequirements Development Plan
RDPRevue de Droit Public (French: Journal of Public Law)
RDPResource Defense Polygyny
RDPRegional Development Planning
RDPRelative Delay Penalty
RDPDemocratic Rally of the People-Jama'a (Niger)
RDPRoll of Distinguished Philatelists
RDPRassemblement Démocratique et Populaire (French: Democratic and Popular Rally; political party; Senegal)
RDPRiser Disconnect Package (drilling)
RDPRéservoir de Décharge du Pressuriseur (French: Discharge Pressurizer Tank; nuclear equipment)
RDPReverse Dragon Punch (gaming)
RDPReality Display Processor
RDPRunning Design Pressure
RDPRecursive Dyadic Partition
RDPRental Dwelling Policy (insurance)
RDPRegistered Disabled Person (UK)
RDPRange Deflection Protractor (to compute field artillery range and deflection)
RDPRange-Deflection Protractor (field artillery plotting instrument)
RDPRun Down Period (RAF)
RDPRubidium Di-Hydrogen Phosphate
RDPRapid Deployment Patrol
RDPRetirement Disposal Instruction
RDPRequirements Definition Program
RDPReport Document Page
RDPRate-Distortion Performance
RDPRadiation Distribution Plot
RDPRange Deception Protection
RDPResidence Demarcation Point (telephony)
RDPRation Distributing Point
RDPRequirements Development Package
RDPRay Doyle Promotions Pty Ltd
RDPRapid Deployment Planning
RDPRefugee Determination Program (Canada)
RDPRated Discharge Pressure




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