

单词 rdm



(Remote Device Management) An enhancement to the DMX lighting protocol. See DMX512.


RDMReichle & De-Massari (cabling specialist; Switzerland)
RDMRed Mage (Final Fantasy, gaming)
RDMRaw Device Mapping (VMware)
RDMRooms Division Manager
RDMRonald D. Moore (sci-fi actor)
RDMRhythms del Mundo (musical collaboration)
RDMRobust Decision Making (research methodology)
RDMReference Data Management
RDMReduced Density Matrix (physics)
RDMReliably Delivered Message
RDMResource Definition Macro
RDMRead Me File
RDMRemote Diagnostic Management
RDMRemote Data Module
RDMRequirements Development Manager
RDMRaw Disk Mapping
RDMRemote Deployment Manager
RDMRand Daily Mail (newspaper; South Africa)
RDMRing Deutscher Makler (German Realty Association)
RDMRadarman (US Navy)
RDMRural Development Management (various schools)
RDMRemote Device Management (protocol used in theatre lighting equipment)
RDMReduced Diameter Mast (windsurfing)
RDMRadiation Detection and Measurement
RDMRecoil Distance Method
RDMReal-Time Data Manager (software)
RDMRetail Design Manager (various locations)
RDMRelational Data Model
RDMRésistance des Matériaux (French)
RDMResearch Development Manufacturing (various organizations)
RDMRedmond, Oregon Airport (Amtrak station code; Redmond, OR)
RDMRestaurant Department Management
RDMRich Domain Model
RDMRovescio della Medaglia (Italian band)
RDMRecherches en Didactique des Mathématiques (French: Research in Mathematics Education)
RDMResource Data Management
RDMRegistry of Digital Masters (libraries)
RDMRegional Data Manager
RDMRivière du Mât (French wine and spirits company)
RDMRed Drum (FAO fish species code)
RDMRapid Draining Material (engineering)
RDMRussian Doll Model (bandwidth allocation)
RDMResource Description Messages
RDMRupt-De-Mad (French radio station)
RDMRats de Marée (French band)
RDMRaima Data Manager
RDMReservation Data Maintenance (India)
RDMReference Data Model
RDMRaw Disk Map (VMware)
RDMRéseau des Mécaniciens (French: Network Mechanics)
RDMRadiation Design Margin
RDMRemotely Delivered Mines
RDMRandom Death Match (video games)
RDMRecruit Distribution Model
RDMRéunionnais du Monde (French: World Reunion)
RDMRamped Dumped Barge (US Navy)
RDMRelative Distance Microdiscovery
RDMRelocation Design Memorandum (USACE)
RDMRelations et Diffusion de la Musique (French: Music Relations and Distribution)
RDMRegional Deployment Manager (various organizations)
RDMResidue-Division Multiplexing
RDMRoll Drive Motor
RDMRequirements Decision Memorandum (system engineering / requirements development)
RDMResponsible Division Manager




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