

单词 abr



1. abridged. 2. abridgment.



automatic baud rate detection


(1) (AutoBaud Rate detect) The analysis of the first characters of a message to determine its transmission speed and number of start and stop bits.

(2) (Available Bit Rate) An asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) level of service that adjusts bandwidth according to the congestion levels in the network. ABR is not used for time-critical data such as real-time voice and video.



 [re-spons´] any action or change of condition evoked by a stimulus.acute phase response a group of physiologic processes occurring soon after the onset of infection, trauma, inflammatory processes, and some malignant conditions. The most prominent change is a dramatic increase of acute phase proteins in the serum, especially C-reactive protein. Also seen are fever, increased vascular permeability, and a variety of metabolic and pathologic changes.anamnestic response the rapid reappearance of antibody in the blood following introduction of an antigen to which the subject had previously developed a primary immune response.auditory brainstem response ABR; a special hearing test that tracks the nerve signals arising in the inner ear as they travel along the auditory nerve to the brain region responsible for hearing. A small speaker placed near the ear makes a clicking sound, and special electrodes record the nerve signal as it travels. The test can determine where along the nerve there is a lesion responsible for sensorineural hearing loss. It is often used for individuals with such loss in just one ear; this is often caused by a benign tumor along the auditory nerve, but if the ABR reading is normal in a given region, the chances of there being a tumor there are small. This test can also be used on infants since it requires no conscious response from the person being tested.autoimmune response the immune response in which antibodies or immune lymphoid cells are produced against the body's own tissues. See also autoimmune disease.conditioned response see conditioned response.dysfunctional ventilatory weaning response a nursing diagnosis adopted by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, defined as inability of a patient to adjust to lowered levels of mechanical ventilator support, which interrupts and prolongs the process of weaning. See also weaning" >mechanical ventilatory weaning.galvanic skin response the alteration in the electrical resistance of the skin associated with sympathetic nerve discharge.immune response see immune response.inflammatory response the various changes that tissue undergoes when it becomes inflamed; see inflammation.post-trauma response former name for the nursing diagnosis post-trauma syndrome.reticulocyte response increase in the formation of reticulocytes in response to a bone marrow stimulus.triple response (of Lewis) a physiologic reaction of the skin to stroking with a blunt instrument: first a red line develops at the site of stroking, owing to the release of histamine or a histamine-like substance, then a flare develops around the red line, and lastly a wheal is formed as a result of local edema.unconditioned response an unlearned response, i.e., one that occurs naturally, in contrast to a conditioned response.


Abbreviation for auditory brainstem response. See: auditory brainstem response.


abbr. auditory brainstem response


Abbreviation for auditory brainstem response; automatic auditory brainstem response.


Abbreviation for auditory brainstem response.

Patient discussion about ABR

Q. what is an ABR test? and how much does it cost? A. ABR, or Auditory brainstem response, is a test of the hearing, from the ears to the brainstem that can be conducted without the cooperation of the patient. As such, it's useful in babies and others who can't cooperate.
It basically consists of playing sounds to the patient and recording the electrical waves of the brain. It's generally safe and painless.
You may read more here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auditory_brainstem_response

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