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DictionarySeehyperthyroidismthyroid storm
storm [storm] an outburst; a temporary and sudden increase in symptoms.thyroid storm (thyrotoxic storm) thyroid crisis.thy·ro·tox·ic cri·sis , thyroid crisisthe exacerbation of symptoms of hyperthyroidism; severe thyrotoxicosis; can follow shock or injury or thyroidectomy; marked by rapid pulse (140-170/minute), nausea, diarrhea, fever, loss of weight, extreme nervousness, and a sudden rise in the metabolic rate; coma and death may occur; occasionally the entire clinical picture is that of profound prostration, weakness, and collapse, without the phase of muscular overactivity and tachycardia. Synonym(s): thyroid stormthy·ro·tox·ic cri·sis , thyroid crisis (thī'rō-tok'sik krī'sis, thī'royd) The exacerbation of symptoms that occurs in severe thyrotoxicosis; marked by rapid pulse, nausea, diarrhea, fever, loss of weight, and extreme restlessness; coma and death may occur. Synonym(s): thyroid storm. |