

单词 rdf



abbr.1. radio direction finder2. rapid deployment force



(navigation) radio direction finder


Resource Description Framework


(1) See reality distortion field.

(2) (Resource Description Framework) The data model that describes the interrelationships between elements in some sphere of knowledge. All the linked vocabularies that make up the Semantic Web use the RDF model, which forms a graph of the connections. The data elements are identified by URIs, text or numbers, and the fundamental RDF structure is the "Triple." See URI.
Theoretical RDF Triple Examples noun - Subject: Pat verb - Predicate: is president of noun - Object: XYZ Company noun - Subject: XYZ Company verb - Predicate: is located in noun - Object: Arizona

Formal Languages Define Ontologies
Two languages are used to define the meaning of the vocabularies graphed in the RDF model: the basic RDF Schema (RDFS) and the more comprehensive Web Ontology Language (OWL). See RDFS, OWL and ontology.

RDF Serializations
The RDF model identifies the elements, but the actual text format, called a "serialization" is written in RDF/XML (required for publishing and sharing) or some other syntax such as N3, Turtle, JSON-LD or RDFa. See Semantic Web, Turtle, JSON-LD and RDFa.


RDFResource Description Framework (W3C)
RDFRefuse-Derived Fuel
RDFResource Definition Framework
RDFRequest Denied Frame
RDFRate Decrease Factor
RDFRecirculating Document Feeder
RDFResource Description Framework
RDFRadio Direction Finding
RDFRemote Database Facility
RDFReality-Distortion Field (slang; attribute shared by charismatic leaders, like Steve Jobs of Apple Computers where the term originated)
RDFRadio Direction Finder(ing)
RDFRemote Data Facility (computing)
RDFRichard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science (also seen as RDFRS)
RDFRainy Day Fund (budgets)
RDFRapid Deployment Force
RDFResource Description Format
RDFRandom Dungeon Finder (World of Warcraft)
RDFRadial Distribution Function
RDFRate Decrease Factor (ATMF)
RDFResource Data File
RDFRegional Development Fund (Europe)
RDFRaw Data File
RDFRain, Drizzle and Fog (weather)
RDFRobotech Defense Force (Macross, Anime)
RDFRevolutionary Democratic Front (various locations)
RDFRouting Determination Function (emergency calls)
RDFReserve Defence Force (Irish Army)
RDFRadiodiffusion Française (French broadcasting company; 1945-1949)
RDFRegional Detention Facility (various locations)
RDFRoald Dahl Foundation (UK)
RDFRemote Delivery Facility (Pentagon Renovation Project)
RDFRandom Dopant Fluctuation
RDFRecord Definition Field
RDFRecycling Disposal Facility
RDFReverse Domain Filling
RDFRadio Detection Finding
RDFReaction Data File
RDFRwanda Defense Force
RDFResource Development Foundation
RDFRed Dwarf Forum (science fiction)
RDFRate Distortion Function
RDFReverse Dispersion Fiber
RDFRemote Distribution Frame (Sprint)
RDFRepeater Distribution Frame (ITU-T)
RDFReceive Data Register Full
RDFRetek Demand Forecasting
RDFRenesas Design France (French telecommunications company)
RDFRural Development Foundation of Pakistan
RDFRoute Designator Field
RDFRead Destructive Fault
RDFRecursive Digital Filter
RDFRonde des Facs (French student group)
RDFRevised Delivery Forecast
RDFRadar Direction Finder
RDFRecueil de Données de Fiabilité (French: Reliability Data Collection)
RDFRemote Diagnostic Facility
RDFRekawa Development Foundation (Sri Lanka)
RDFRoute Definition File
RDFRobust Dependent Fault
RDFRadiation Design Factor
RDFReport Data Format




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