

单词 rda



abbr.1. recommended daily allowance2. recommended dietary allowance


abbreviation for 1. (Units) Recommended Daily or Dietary Amount or Allowance 2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (in England) Regional Development Agency


or R.D.A.,

1. recommended daily allowance. 2. recommended dietary allowance.




 [ah-low´ans] something permitted or allowed.recommended daily allowance term popularly used as a synonym for recommended dietary allowance.recommended dietary allowance (RDA) the amount of nutrient and calorie intake per day considered necessary for maintenance of good health, calculated for males and females of various ages and recommended by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council. See Appendices 4 and 5. Popularly called recommended daily allowance.


Abbreviation for recommended daily allowance.


abbr.1. recommended daily allowance2. recommended dietary allowance


Abbreviation for:
recently detoxified alcoholic
recommended daily allowance
regional development agency 
Registered Dental Assistant
research and development agreement
rural development area


Abbreviation for recommended dietary allowance.


Abbrev. for recommended daily allowance. The daily intake of a particular nutrient considered adequate to maintain health. RDAs are decided upon by various official nutritional committees and tend to be diverse in detail.

Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)

The Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) are quantities of nutrients in the diet that are required to maintain good health in people. RDAs are established by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences, and may be revised every few years. A separate RDA value exists for each nutrient. The RDA values refer to the amount of nutrient expected to maintain good health in people. The actual amounts of each nutrient required to maintain good health in specific individuals differ from person to person.Mentioned in: Folic Acid, Iron Deficiency Anemia, Scurvy, Vitamin A Deficiency, Vitamin B 6 Deficiency, Vitamin D Deficiency, Vitamin E Deficiency, Vitamin K Deficiency, Vitamin Toxicity, Vitamins


Abbreviation for relative dentin abrasivity index.


RDARecommended Daily/Dietary Allowance
RDAReporting and Data Analysis
RDARedevelopment Agency (various locations)
RDARebuildable Dripping Atomizer (electronic cigarettes)
RDARiding for the Disabled Association
RDARepública Democrática Alemana (Spanish: German Democratic Republic)
RDARegistered Dental Assistant
RDARegional Development Agency (UK)
RDARichard Dean Anderson (actor)
RDARegional Development Authority (various locations)
RDARegional Development Australia
RDARemote Data Access (Sprint)
RDARedevelopment Authority
RDAResearch, Development, & Acquisition
RDARassemblement Democratique Africain (French: African Democratic Rally)
RDARational Data Architect
RDARemote Database Access
RDARemote Data Acquisition
RDAResources Development Administration (Avatar)
RDARacial Discrimination Act (Australia)
RDARational Data Architect (IBM Corp.)
RDARural Development Administration (Korea)
RDAResource Description and Access
RDARaw Data Archive
RDARecommended Daily Amounts (EU)
RDARoad Development Authority
RDARemote Database Access (OSI)
RDARich Desktop Application
RDARochester Downtown Alliance (Rochester, MN)
RDARépublique Démocratique Allemande (French: former Democratic Republic of Germany)
RDARadar Data Acquisition
RDARate Design Application (British Columbia Utilities Commission; British Columbia, Canada)
RDARegional Development Alliance (Idaho)
RDARailway Design Associates (model trains)
RDARequest for Determination of Applicability (universities)
RDARelationship Development Assessment
RDARegularized Discriminant Analysis
RDAReaders Digest Association, Inc
RDARetail Display Allowance
RDARemote Diagnostic Agent
RDARichard Daley Associates (UK)
RDARapid Deployment for Action (band)
RDAResearch and Development Association (Republic of Korea)
RDARajshahi Development Authority (Bangladesh)
RDARecords Disposition Authorization
RDARight Displaced Abomasum
RDAResearch Development Associates
RDARegional Development Assistance (government funding)
RDARegional Director of Agencies (insurance)
RDARainy Day Amendment (Oregon, USA)
RDARear Drive Axle
RDARelational Distributed Architecture
RDAReboul Delaye et Associés (French computing company)
RDARiver Deben Association (UK)
RDARequirement Development Analysis
RDAReliability Design Analysis
RDARapid Development Application (see also RDE)
RDAResearch Development Activity
RDARequirements Development & Analysis (JOPES module)
RDARouting Domain and Area (SONET)
RDAReflective Dot Array
RDARecursive Decision Algorithm
RDARichiesta dell'Acquisto (Italian: Purchase Request)
RDAResidential Subscriber System Data Adaptor
RDARecommended Duty Assignment
RDARetro-Directive Antenna
RDARandom Duplicate Allocation




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