

单词 rd



(nucleonics) rutherford


1. Abbr. for roof drain. 2. On drawings, abbr. for round.


(1) See Remote Desktop.

(2) (Remove Directory) See Rmdir.



 [di″ĕ-tish´an] one concerned with the promotion of good health through proper diet and with the therapeutic use of diet in the treatment of disease. The dietitian may work in a variety of settings, including hospitals and other health care agencies, schools, hotels, and other commercial institutions where duties include both food service administration and therapeutic nutrition services, or may choose to enter the fields of education and research. Some dietitians practice independently either as consultants or private practitioners in the area of therapeutic dietetics.
A bachelor's degree with a major in foods and nutrition or institutional management is the minimal educational requirement for a dietitian. Registration in the American Dietetic Association (ADA) requires satisfactory completion of either a one-year dietetic internship in a program approved by the Association, or three years' experience, two of which must have been served under the supervision of a member of the ADA. Additional education on the graduate level is necessary to qualify for positions in teaching, public health nutrition, and other specialty areas. The address of the American Dietetic Association is 216 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, IL 60606-6995.
Registered dietitian (RD) one meeting qualifications of the Commission on Dietetic Registration of the American Dietetic Association.


Abbreviation for reaction of degeneration; reaction of denervation; Registered Dietitian.


A gene on chromosome 6q23.3 that encodes peroxin-7, a cytosolic receptor that targets the peroxisomal matrix enzymes to the peroxisome.
Molecular pathology
PEX7 mutations cause peroxisome biogenesis disorders of the so-called complementation group 11 (PBD-CG11) disorders, rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata type 1 (RCDP1) and Refsum disease.


1. Radiation absorbed dose.2. Registered Dietician.3. Relative density.4. Renal disease.5. Respiratory disease.6. Retinal detachment.7. Ruptured disk.


Recommended daily allowance, see there.


RDReader's Digest (magazine)
RDRainbow Dash (animation)
RDResidential Development
RDRemote Desktop (computer networking)
RDReceive(d) Data
RDResearch and Development
RDRural Development (USDA)
RDRegional Director
RDRanger District (USDA)
RDRear Derailleur (bicycle equipment)
RDReserve (Officers') Decoration
RDRed Deer (Canada)
RDRoller Derby
RDRed Dragon (movie)
RDRelative Density
RDReal Decreto (Spain: Royal Decree)
RDReception Desk
RDResident Director
RDRadar Detector
RDRepublica Dominicana (Spanish: Dominican Republic)
RDRelationship Disclosure
RDReference Data
RDRoyal Dutch
RDRed Dwarf (games)
RDRequired Date
RDRegistered Dietician
RDRough Draft (writers software)
RDRadio Disney
RDRural Delivery
RDRadiotherapy Dose (oncology)
RDRouting Domain
RDRacial Discrimination
RDRequired Data
RDRevolving Door
RDReference Designator
RDRapid Deployment
RDRubber Duck
RDRetinal Detachment (eye condition)
RDReference Document
RDResidence Director
RDRiverdance (Irish dance show)
RDReservoir Dogs (film)
RDRenal Dialysis
RDRequirements Document
RDRear Defroster
RDRodney Dangerfield (comedian)
RDRemove Directory
RDRemedial Design
RDRecursion Desired (computing)
RDRequirements Development
RDRoute Départementale
RDRotor Diameter
RDRisk Difference (statistical analysis)
RDRegio Decreto (Italian: Royal Decree)
RDRestricted Data
RDRural Dean
RDRoute Distinguisher (MPLS-VPN)
RDRoof Drain
RDRing Down
RDReserve Duty
RDRate Distortion
RDRemaining Distance
RDRestricted Dialing
RDRadarman (USN Rating)
RDReducing Diet (veterinary prescription diet food)
RDRadio Dalmacija (Split, Croatia)
RDRegion Directors
RDRapid Decompression
RDReporting District
RDRadical Dreamers (video game)
RDRig Down (oil drilling)
RDReported Distance (packet design)
RDRett's Disorder
RDRhombic Dodecahedron
RDReactor Development
RDReference Drawing (drafting and design)
RDReadiness Data
RDRighteous Defense (gaming, World of Warcraft)
RDRead Depth
RDReplacement Detachment
RDRight Defence
RDReadiness Date
RDRange Doppler
RDRoute Descriptor
RDRider Diaries (Straphangers message board)
RDRepresentative DeMolay (Order of DeMolay)
RDDiode Resistance
RDRoyal Direct (RBC Royal Bank's online and telephone banking service)
RDRecon Drone (Honor Harrington science fiction novels)
RDRefer to Drawer
RDRecency Distance (computing)
RDDirectional Radio Beacon
RDRandom Defect
RDRevue de Direction (French: Management Review)
RDRecognition Differential
RDData Requirements Document
RDRemovable Discontinuity (mathematics)
RDRadius of Damage
RDRequirements Dictionary
RDRobust Dependent
RDRitual Device (band)
RDReaver Drop (Starcraft video game)
RDRaise Degree
RDRocket Diffusion (French retailer)
RDReinforcement Designee
RDRestricted Data - Atomic Energy Act of 1954
RDReconfiguration Delay
RDRadiocommunications Division
RDReplenishable Demand
RDRoom Air Detritiation
RDUS Revenue Stock Transfer (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)
RDRecoverable Distributor
RDReentry Decoy
RDRétribution Différée (French: payment postponed)




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