Acronym | Definition |
RD➣Reader's Digest (magazine) |
RD➣Road |
RD➣Read |
RD➣Round |
RD➣Rainbow Dash (animation) |
RD➣Residential Development |
RD➣Remote Desktop (computer networking) |
RD➣Receive(d) Data |
RD➣Research and Development |
RD➣Rural Development (USDA) |
RD➣Regional Director |
RD➣Ranger District (USDA) |
RD➣Rear Derailleur (bicycle equipment) |
RD➣Retired |
RD➣Reserve (Officers') Decoration |
RD➣Red Deer (Canada) |
RD➣Roller Derby |
RD➣Red Dragon (movie) |
RD➣Relative Density |
RD➣Real Decreto (Spain: Royal Decree) |
RD➣Reception Desk |
RD➣Resident Director |
RD➣Radar Detector |
RD➣Republica Dominicana (Spanish: Dominican Republic) |
RD➣Relationship Disclosure |
RD➣Reference Data |
RD➣Royal Dutch |
RD➣Red Dwarf (games) |
RD➣Required Date |
RD➣Registered Dietician |
RD➣Rough Draft (writers software) |
RD➣Radio Disney |
RD➣Rural Delivery |
RD➣Radiotherapy Dose (oncology) |
RD➣Routing Domain |
RD➣Racial Discrimination |
RD➣Required Data |
RD➣Revolving Door |
RD➣Reference Designator |
RD➣Rapid Deployment |
RD➣Rubber Duck |
RD➣Retinal Detachment (eye condition) |
RD➣Reference Document |
RD➣Residence Director |
RD➣Riverdance (Irish dance show) |
RD➣Reservoir Dogs (film) |
RD➣Renal Dialysis |
RD➣Requirements Document |
RD➣Rear Defroster |
RD➣Rodney Dangerfield (comedian) |
RD➣Remove Directory |
RD➣Remedial Design |
RD➣Recursion Desired (computing) |
RD➣Rocketdyne |
RD➣Requirements Development |
RD➣Route Départementale |
RD➣Rotor Diameter |
RD➣Risk Difference (statistical analysis) |
RD➣Regio Decreto (Italian: Royal Decree) |
RD➣Restricted Data |
RD➣Rural Dean |
RD➣Route Distinguisher (MPLS-VPN) |
RD➣Roof Drain |
RD➣Ring Down |
RD➣Reserve Duty |
RD➣Rate Distortion |
RD➣Remaining Distance |
RD➣Restricted Dialing |
RD➣Radarman (USN Rating) |
RD➣Reducing Diet (veterinary prescription diet food) |
RD➣Radio Dalmacija (Split, Croatia) |
RD➣Region Directors |
RD➣Rapid Decompression |
RD➣Reporting District |
RD➣Radical Dreamers (video game) |
RD➣Rig Down (oil drilling) |
RD➣Reported Distance (packet design) |
RD➣Rett's Disorder |
RD➣Rhombic Dodecahedron |
RD➣Reactor Development |
RD➣Reference Drawing (drafting and design) |
RD➣Readiness Data |
RD➣Righteous Defense (gaming, World of Warcraft) |
RD➣Read Depth |
RD➣Rijksdriehoeksmeting |
RD➣Replacement Detachment |
RD➣Right Defence |
RD➣Readiness Date |
RD➣Range Doppler |
RD➣Route Descriptor |
RD➣Rider Diaries (Straphangers message board) |
RD➣Representative DeMolay (Order of DeMolay) |
RD➣Diode Resistance |
RD➣Royal Direct (RBC Royal Bank's online and telephone banking service) |
RD➣Recon Drone (Honor Harrington science fiction novels) |
RD➣Refer to Drawer |
RD➣Recency Distance (computing) |
RD➣Directional Radio Beacon |
RD➣Random Defect |
RD➣Revue de Direction (French: Management Review) |
RD➣Recognition Differential |
RD➣Data Requirements Document |
RD➣Removable Discontinuity (mathematics) |
RD➣Radius of Damage |
RD➣Requirements Dictionary |
RD➣Robust Dependent |
RD➣Ritual Device (band) |
RD➣Reaver Drop (Starcraft video game) |
RD➣Raise Degree |
RD➣Rocket Diffusion (French retailer) |
RD➣Reinforcement Designee |
RD➣Restricted Data - Atomic Energy Act of 1954 |
RD➣Reconfiguration Delay |
RD➣Radiocommunications Division |
RD➣Replenishable Demand |
RD➣Room Air Detritiation |
RD➣US Revenue Stock Transfer (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately) |
RD➣Recoverable Distributor |
RD➣Reentry Decoy |
RD➣Rétribution Différée (French: payment postponed) |