above-the-knee amputation

above-the-knee amputation

A procedure used for severe—e.g., gangrenous—peripheral vascular disease, which is commonly required in older diabetics; AKA is preferred to below-the-knee amputation in treating peripheral vascular disease if the gangrene extends above the malleoli, as the AKA has a higher healing rate (85–100%), better rehabilitation with a prosthesis, and fewer complications.

above-the-knee amputation

AKA Surgery An 'elective' procedure used for severe–gangrenous peripheral vascular disease, which is commonly required in older diabetics; AKA is preferred to below-the-knee amputation in treating peripheral vascular disease if the gangrene extends above the malleoli, as the AKA has a higher healing rate–85-100%, better rehabilitation with a prosthesis, and fewer complications. Cf Below-the-knee amputation, Potato chip operation.