Acronym | Definition |
RPi➣Raspberry Pi (computing; UK) |
RPi➣Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Troy, NY, USA) |
RPi➣Ratings Percentage Index (college basketball) |
RPi➣Retail Price Index |
RPi➣Retail Price Inflation |
RPi➣Republican Party of Iowa (Des Moines, IA) |
RPi➣Remote Programming Interface (computing) |
RPi➣Remote Process Interface (computing) |
RPi➣Resort Parks International (Signal Hill, CA) |
RPi➣Rockwell Protocol Interface (modems) |
RPi➣Responsible Property Investing |
RPi➣Regroupement Pédagogique Intercommunal (French: Intermunicipal Education Coalition) |
RPi➣Real Property Inventory |
RPi➣Radial Point Interpolation (antennas) |
RPi➣Roberts Realty Investors, Inc. (Atlanta, GA) |
RPi➣Rapid Process Improvement |
RPi➣Richmond Professional Institute (Virginia) |
RPi➣Ribozyme Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Boulder, CO) |
RPi➣Repayment Protection Insurance (loans) |
RPi➣Restaurant Partners, Inc. (est. 1992) |
RPi➣Randolf Productions, Inc. (Irvine, CA) |
RPi➣Research Planning, Inc. |
RPi➣Reticulocyte Production Index |
RPi➣Railway Progress Institute |
RPi➣Revista da Propriedade Industrial (Official Gazette of the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office; Brazil) |
RPi➣Related Proteins of the Immune System |
RPi➣Rapid Problem Identification |
RPi➣Requested Packet Interval |
RPi➣Related-Party Initiative (Canada) |
RPi➣Runs Per Inning (baseball) |
RPi➣Rengo Packaging, Inc. (Hawaii) |
RPi➣Royal Palm Insurance (Florida) |
RPi➣Runway Point of Intercept |
RPi➣Raster Printers, Inc. (San Jose, CA) |
RPi➣Rose Polytechnic Institute (Indiana) |
RPi➣Regional Perfusion Index |
RPi➣Repetitive Motion Injury |
RPi➣Ravalement, Peinture, Isolation (French: Cleaning, Painting, Insulation) |
RPi➣Rated Position Identifier |
RPi➣Real Polytechnic Institute |
RPi➣Roll Position Indicator |
RPi➣Ranking Percentage Index (sports statistic) |
RPi➣Red Planet Interactive Games |
RPi➣Recruiting Publicity Item (US Army) |
RPi➣Radar Precipitation Integrator |
RPi➣Residue Processing Initiative |
RPi➣Races Per Incident (racing) |
RPi➣Ridder Publications, Inc. |
RPi➣Responsive Production Inventory |
RPi➣Response Posture Immediate |
RPi➣Riviera Prestations Informatique (French: Riviera Computer Services) |
RPi➣Remarried Parents, Inc. |
RPi➣Request for Problem Investigation |
RPi➣Relay Position Indicator |
RPi➣Residual Plan of Instruction |
RPi➣Ressorts Produits Industriels (French: Springs Industrial Products) |
RPi➣Ressources Professionnelles Informatiques (French: Professional Computer Resources; Canada) |