

单词 rpi



(in Britain) abbreviation for (Economics) retail price index



Rockwell Protocol Interface



Abbreviation for reticulocyte production index.
FinancialSeeretail price index


RPiRaspberry Pi (computing; UK)
RPiRensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Troy, NY, USA)
RPiRatings Percentage Index (college basketball)
RPiRetail Price Index
RPiRetail Price Inflation
RPiRepublican Party of Iowa (Des Moines, IA)
RPiRemote Programming Interface (computing)
RPiRemote Process Interface (computing)
RPiResort Parks International (Signal Hill, CA)
RPiRockwell Protocol Interface (modems)
RPiResponsible Property Investing
RPiRegroupement Pédagogique Intercommunal (French: Intermunicipal Education Coalition)
RPiReal Property Inventory
RPiRadial Point Interpolation (antennas)
RPiRoberts Realty Investors, Inc. (Atlanta, GA)
RPiRapid Process Improvement
RPiRichmond Professional Institute (Virginia)
RPiRibozyme Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Boulder, CO)
RPiRepayment Protection Insurance (loans)
RPiRestaurant Partners, Inc. (est. 1992)
RPiRandolf Productions, Inc. (Irvine, CA)
RPiResearch Planning, Inc.
RPiReticulocyte Production Index
RPiRailway Progress Institute
RPiRevista da Propriedade Industrial (Official Gazette of the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office; Brazil)
RPiRelated Proteins of the Immune System
RPiRapid Problem Identification
RPiRequested Packet Interval
RPiRelated-Party Initiative (Canada)
RPiRuns Per Inning (baseball)
RPiRengo Packaging, Inc. (Hawaii)
RPiRoyal Palm Insurance (Florida)
RPiRunway Point of Intercept
RPiRaster Printers, Inc. (San Jose, CA)
RPiRose Polytechnic Institute (Indiana)
RPiRegional Perfusion Index
RPiRepetitive Motion Injury
RPiRavalement, Peinture, Isolation (French: Cleaning, Painting, Insulation)
RPiRated Position Identifier
RPiReal Polytechnic Institute
RPiRoll Position Indicator
RPiRanking Percentage Index (sports statistic)
RPiRed Planet Interactive Games
RPiRecruiting Publicity Item (US Army)
RPiRadar Precipitation Integrator
RPiResidue Processing Initiative
RPiRaces Per Incident (racing)
RPiRidder Publications, Inc.
RPiResponsive Production Inventory
RPiResponse Posture Immediate
RPiRiviera Prestations Informatique (French: Riviera Computer Services)
RPiRemarried Parents, Inc.
RPiRequest for Problem Investigation
RPiRelay Position Indicator
RPiResidual Plan of Instruction
RPiRessorts Produits Industriels (French: Springs Industrial Products)
RPiRessources Professionnelles Informatiques (French: Professional Computer Resources; Canada)




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