

单词 rpg



abbr.1. rocket-propelled grenade2. role-playing game


abbreviation for 1. (Computer Science) report program generator: a business-oriented computer programming language 2. (Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) rocket-propelled grenade 3. (Computer Science) role-playing game


role-playing game.



(computer science) report program generator


(games)Role-Playing Game.


(tool)Report Program Generator.


(person)Richard Gabriel.


(1) (Role Playing Game) See CRPG.

(2) (Report Program Generator) One of the first program generators designed for business reports, introduced in 1964 by IBM. In 1970, RPG II added enhancements that made it a mainstay programming language for business applications on IBM's System/3x midrange computers. RPG III and RPG IV added more enhancements and have been widely used on the AS/400. RPGLE added the "Integrated Language Environment (ILE)," which enables C, Java and other modules to be integrated into the program.

Until RPGLE, all processing statements were written in strict columnar format. The following RPGLE example changes Fahrenheit to Celsius. The A lines are Data Description Specs (DDS) code. They define a display file and are compiled separately. The F line links the processing code (C lines) to the A lines:

 A DSPSIZ(24 80 *DS3) A R FHEITR A CA03(03 'End') A 6 18'Enter Fahrenheit:' A FRHEIT 3Y 0B 6 42DSPATR(PC) A EDTCDE(J) A 9 18'Celsius is:' A CGRADE 3Y 0O 9 42DSPATR(PC) A EDTCDE(J) A 23 8'F3=End' FFheitd CF E Workstn C *IN03 DoWEq *Off C ExFmt Fheitr C Eval CGrade=0 C Eval CGrade=((Frheit-32)*5)/9 C ExFmt Fheitr C EndDo C Seton LR


RPGRole Playing Game(s)
RPGRocket-Propelled Grenade
RPGRocket-Powered Grenade
RPGRebounds Per Game (basketball statistic)
RPGReport Program Generator
RPGRules for Posting (forums)
RPGResearch Post Graduate (various universities)
RPGResearch Project Grant (various organizations)
RPGReport Generator
RPGRole Playing Game
RPGRandom Password Generator
RPGRegional Planning Group (various locations)
RPGRegional Planning Guidance
RPGRassemblement du Peuple de Guinée (French: Rally of the People of Guinea)
RPGRegional Policy Guidance (UK)
RPGRisk Purchasing Group
RPGRassemblement Pour le Gabon (French: Rally for Gabon)
RPGResearch Program Grant (various organizations)
RPGResearch Policy Group (various locations)
RPGRounds Per Gun (aircraft)
RPGRandom Plasma Glucose
RPGRééducation Posturale Globale (French: Global Posture Reeducation)
RPGRetrograde Pyelogram
RPGReflection Phase Grating
RPGRadar Product Generator
RPGRecommended Practices Guide
RPGReprographic Products Group (Laurel, MD)
RPGRotary Pulse Generator (electronics)
RPGReed Property Group (Australia)
RPGRegistry Player and Game
RPGRed Porgy (FAO fish species code)
RPGReasonable and Probable Grounds
RPGRuchnoy Protivotankovy Granatomyot (Russian: Rocket Propelled Grenade)
RPGRenegade Programming Group (est. 1991)
RPGRelapse Prevention Group
RPGRadiation Protection Guide
RPGRadioisotope Power Generator
RPGRecreational Pistol Gang (gaming clan)
RPGResistance Protein Gene
RPGRate Per Gallon
RPGRape Prevention Glasses (offensive military slang for standard issue eyeglasses)
RPGReuse Planning Group
RPGResource Protection Group
RPGRepeating Plasma Gun (Star Wars)
RPGRespiratory Pattern Generator
RPGRemote Product Generator
RPGRapid Programme Generation (AS/400)
RPGRam Prasad Goenka (Enterprises; India)
RPGREFORGER Planning Group
RPGRoutine Production Group
RPGRunning Power Generation (Mode)
RPGResearch Planning Group/Guide




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