Pavlova, Karolina Karlovna

Pavlova, Karolina Karlovna


(maiden name Ja-Enisch) Born July 10 (22), 1807, in Yaroslavl; died Dec. 2 (14), 1893, in Dresden. Russian poet.

Pavlova was educated at home. She knew A. Mickiewicz, who dedicated poems to her, and she later married N. F. Pavlov. In 1833, Pavlova published a collection of translated and original works in German, Das Nordlicht, which included translations of works by A. S. Pushkin, E. A. Baratynskii, and N. M. Iazykov. She wrote a novel in verse and prose, A Double Life (published 1848); the narrative poems A Conversation in the Grand Trianon (1848) and A Conversation in the Kremlin (1854); and lyric poems, published in the collection Poems (1863). Pavlova also translated A. K. Tolstoy’s tragedies The Death of Ivan the Terrible and Tsar Fedor Ioannovich into German.

V. G. Belinskii praised the “noble simplicity” of Pavlova’s early poetry (Poln. sobr. soch., vol. 3, 1953, p. 191). But the deliberately emphasized political indifference of her poetry of the 1860’s evoked sharp criticism from M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin.


Sobr. soch., vols. 1–2. [Edited by and introductory article by V. Briusov.] Moscow, 1915.
Poln. sobr. stikhotvorenii. [Introductory article by P. P. Gromov.] Moscow-Leningrad, 1964.


Istoriia russkoi literatury XIX v.: Bibliograficheskii ukazatel’. Moscow-Leningrad, 1962.