Acronym | Definition |
RCR➣Richard Childress Racing |
RCR➣responsible conduct of research |
RCR➣Race Car Replicas (various locations) |
RCR➣Réanimation Cardiorespiratoire (French: Cardiorespiratory Resuscitation) |
RCR➣Rose City Rollers (Oregon) |
RCR➣Royal College of Radiologists (UK; also seen as RCOR) |
RCR➣Royal Canadian Regiment |
RCR➣Rewind Card Reader |
RCR➣Rotate Through Carry Right |
RCR➣Retransmission Counter |
RCR➣Rockcliff Resources Inc (Sudbury, ON, Canada) |
RCR➣Room Cavity Ratio (lighting calculation) |
RCR➣River City Ransom |
RCR➣Royal Crown Revue (band) |
RCR➣Recordable Case Rate |
RCR➣Red Cedar Review (various schools) |
RCR➣Respiratory Control Ratio |
RCR➣Rotator Cuff Repair |
RCR➣Room Condition Report |
RCR➣Remote Computer Reader |
RCR➣Radio Communications Report |
RCR➣Replication Competent Retrovirus |
RCR➣Rideau Carleton Raceway (Canada) |
RCR➣Radio Campus Rennes (French college radio station; University of Rennes) |
RCR➣Russian Chemical Reviews (journal; est. 1960) |
RCR➣Rotate Carry Right |
RCR➣River City Rebels (band) |
RCR➣Runway Condition Reading |
RCR➣Royal Crystal Rock (All the World, crystalware) |
RCR➣Road Crash Rescue |
RCR➣Radiographic Complete Response |
RCR➣Réseau de Consommateurs Responsables (French: Responsible Consumers Network) |
RCR➣ROV Component Replacement |
RCR➣Régiment de Circulation Routière (French Army regiment) |
RCR➣Road Casualty Reduction (UK) |
RCR➣Relative Cost of Reuse |
RCR➣Runway Condition Report |
RCR➣Rensselaer Computer Repair |
RCR➣Rock Creek Ranch (various locations) |
RCR➣Ruby Change Request (Ruby programming language) |
RCR➣Review Comment Record |
RCR➣Required Carrier Return |
RCR➣Research Concept Review |
RCR➣Rassemblement des Citoyens pour la République (French: Citizens Rally for the Republic; political organization) |
RCR➣Residual Connectedness Reliability |
RCR➣Requirements Clarification Review |
RCR➣Requirement Change Request |
RCR➣Repair Cycle Requirement |
RCR➣Risk Coverage Ratio (finance) |
RCR➣Rugby Club Revélois (French rugby club) |
RCR➣Rate of Correct Recognition |
RCR➣Radio Campus Rouen (French college radio station; University of Rouen) |
RCR➣Rocket City Ramble |
RCR➣Rankine Cycle Ratio |
RCR➣Robertson Chart of Reliability (hang gliding) |
RCR➣Rothamsted Collection of Rhizobium (Harpenden, UK) |
RCR➣Remote Command Request |
RCR➣River City Rangers Soccer Club (Austin, Texas) |