Preobrazhenskii, Boris

Preobrazhenskii, Boris Sergeevich


Born June 15 (27), 1892, in Moscow; died there Dec. 7, 1970. Soviet otorhinolaryngologist. Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (1950). Hero of Socialist Labor (1962).

Preobrazhenskii graduated from the medical faculty of Moscow University in 1914. From 1936 to 1941 he was a professor at the Third Moscow Medical Institute, and beginning in 1941 head of the subdepartment of ear, nose, and throat diseases at the Second Moscow Medical Institute. His chief works dealt with angina, chronic tonsillitis, hardness of hearing, deafness, injuries of the ear, throat, and nose, allergies in otorhinolaryngology, and the history of medicine. He developed a classification for hardness of hearing in schools and invented and perfected techniques for several operations and a number of medical instruments.

Preobrazhenskii founded a school of otorhinolaryngologists and helped organize the All-Union Scientific Society of Otorhinolaryngologists. He was an honored member of the J. Purkinje Czechoslovak Medical Society, member of the International Committee of Otorhinolaryngologists, and of the Hungarian Association of Medical Societies. Preobrazhenskii was awarded five Orders of Lenin and several medals.


Glukhonemota. Moscow, 1933.
Voennotravmaticheskie povrezhdeniia ukha, gorla, nosa. Moscow, 1944.
Bolezni ukha, gorla i nosa, 7th ed. Moscow, 1968. (With la. S. Temkin and A. G. Likhachev.)
Angina, khronicheskii tonzillit i sopriazhennye s nim zabolevaniia. Moscow, 1970. (With G. N. Popova.)


“Pamiati B. S. Preobrazhenskogo.” Vestnik otorinolaringologii, 1971, no. 2.