

单词 rpc



abbreviation for (Military) Royal Pioneer Corps



Remote Procedure Call


(Remote Procedure Call) A programming interface that allows one program to use the services of another program in a remote machine. The calling program sends a message and data to the remote program, which is executed, and results are passed back to the calling program.

There Are Many Interfaces
Sun developed the RPC concept as part of its Open Network Computing (ONC) architecture, and a similar type of RPC was used in The Open Group's DCE architecture, which was the model for Microsoft's DCOM. CORBA also provides this capability along with a comprehensive messaging environment designed to support multiple programming languages and platforms. Web services and service oriented architectures (SOAs) are another form of RPC. See remoting, Web services, SOA, CORBA and DCOM.

The concept may be the same (one program calls another to execute some service), but RPCs function more like a program calling a function in the same machine, only done remotely. RPCs also tend to be language and platform specific. CORBA provides a complete messaging environment that Object Request Broker (ORB) software manages at both ends of the communication.

The concept may be the same (one program calls another to execute some service), but RPCs function more like a program calling a function in the same machine, only done remotely. RPCs also tend to be language and platform specific. CORBA provides a complete messaging environment that Object Request Broker (ORB) software manages at both ends of the communication.


RPCRemote Procedure Call
RPCRequest the Pleasure of your Company
RPCReflected Power Canceler
RPCRules of Professional Conduct (court rules; various locations)
RPCRegional Planning Commission
RPCRégime de Pensions du Canada (Canada Pension Plan)
RPCRohnert Park (Amtrak station code; Rohnert Park, CA)
RPCRevised Penal Code (Philippines)
RPCRole Play Convention
RPCReformed Presbyterian Church
RPCRacing Pigeon Club (various locations)
RPCRemote Power Control
RPCRegulatory Policy Committee (London, England, UK)
RPCRépublique Populaire de Chine (French: People's Republic of China)
RPCRenta per Capita (Spanish: Income per Capita)
RPCRemote Power Controller
RPCRegional Playback Control
RPCRegion Protection Code
RPCRadio Port Controller
RPCReal Proxy C
RPCRich Photorealistic Content
RPCRemote Process Control
RPCRegional Programming Center
RPCReverse Park Control
RPCRegional Programming Contest
RPCRemote Printer Console
RPCRemote Pc
RPCRegents Park College (UK)
RPCReynolds Porter Chamberlain (law firm; UK)
RPCRail Passengers Council (UK)
RPCRainbow Power Company (Australia)
RPCRecommandations pour la Pratique Clinique (French: Guidelines for Clinical Practice)
RPCRegional Planning Council
RPCRiverside Presbyterian Church (various locations)
RPCRich Photorealistic Content (3D graphics content file type)
RPCRegional Plantation Company (Sri Lanka)
RPCRoyal Parks Constabulary (UK)
RPCRainbow/PUSH Coalition
RPCReaders Per Copy
RPCRevenue Per Click (internet advertising)
RPCResearch Program Coordinator (various organizations)
RPCReverse-Phase Chromatography
RPCRetirement Planning Center
RPCResistive Plate Chamber
RPCRigid Plastic Container
RPCResearch Planning Committee (various schools)
RPCReentry Policy Council (est. 2001)
RPCRespecting Patient Choices
RPCRegional Processing Center
RPCRecreation, Parks & Culture (Canada)
RPCRight Party Contact
RPCRole Playing Chat
RPCRockland Psychiatric Center (Orangeburg, NY)
RPCReverse Proxy Cache
RPCRecurrent Pyogenic Cholangitis (disease)
RPCRegional Psychiatric Center (Canada)
RPCRefined Petroleum Coke
RPCRadio Port Controller (PHS)
RPCRemote Power Cycling (application)
RPCRéseau de Protection du Consommateur (French: Consumer Protection Network; Canada)
RPCRestrictive Practices Court
RPCRapid Positioning Capability
RPCRestricted Path Consistency (graph theory)
RPCReorganization Planning Committee (Maine)
RPCRecycled Products Cooperative (California)
RPCResearch and Publications Committee
RPCRijksplanologische Commissie
RPCRole Playing Character
RPCReal Procedure Call
RPCRandom Partial Checking (voting algorithm)
RPCReverse Phase Control (theatrical dimmers)
RPCReactive Perforating Collagenosis
RPCRapid Prototyping Center, Ltd.
RPCRéseau des Professionnels Chrétiens (French: Christian Business Network)
RPCRevenue per Call
RPCRemote Printer Control
RPCRegional Preparedness Committee
RPCRockford Products Corporation
RPCRelative Percent Difference
RPCRoyal Patrons Circle (Royal Ontario Museum, Canada)
RPCRecursive Path Contraction
RPCRemittance Processing Center (GE Capital)
RPCRapid Prototyping Capacity
RPCRandomized Parallel Computing
RPCRadiation Protection Council
RPCRegional Play Control (DVD)
RPCRadar Processing Control
RPCRapid Product Creation (strategic planning)
RPCRadiation Policy Council
RPCRapeseed Phosphatidylcholine
RPCRecognized Air Picture Production Center
RPCRemote Power Converter/Controller
RPCRegistered Publication Clerk (US Navy)
RPCRecruiting Partnership Council
RPCRepair Part Catalog
RPCRegistration and Product Control
RPCRadioanalytical Project Coordinator
RPCReporting to Commander
RPCRigid Plastic Card
RPCRecord Player Collector
RPCReliability Prediction Committee (IEEE Reliability Society)
RPCResource Plans Chief (Fabrication Flight, Logistics Support Squadron, Offutt AFB, NE)
RPCReturn Postcard (printing and paper industries)
RPCRegistered Product Code
RPCReinforcement Physical Conditioning
RPCRedd Phoenix Clan (gaming clan)
RPCRequisition Processing Cycle
RPCReturnable Product Container
RPCRosslyn Packing Company (Virginia)
RPCRefit Planning Conference
RPCRed PAS Controller
RPCRepair Parts Cost
RPCRISC-based Personal Computer
RPCResource Planning & Coordination
RPCRequest for Preauthorized Checking
RPCRegina Peace Council (Canada)




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