Pavel Vasilevich Bakhturov

Bakhturov, Pavel Vasil’evich


Born in 1889 in the stanitsa (cossack village) of Kachalinskaia, Oblast of the Don Army; died Oct. 31, 1920, in the region of the Morozov and Pozdniakov farms, Tavrida Province. Hero of the Civil War. Member of the CPSU from 1918.

Bakhturov was born into a family of a Don cossack. He was a teacher. He participated in battles of the Red Guards against the troops of General Kaledin in early 1918 and then served as chairman of the Kachalinskaia stanitsa revolutionary committee. From the summer of 1919 he was commissar of a brigade in the 4th Caucasus Division; he was commissar of the 6th Caucasus Division from November 1919 and of the 11th Caucasus Division from August 1920 (part of the First Cavalry). He was killed in a battle against the Wrangel forces.