Pavel Smirnov

Smirnov, Pavel Petrovich


Born Sept. 9 (21), 1882, in Simbirsk; died Apr. 2, 1947, in Moscow. Soviet historian; doctor of historical sciences (1942).

Smirnov graduated from the University of Kiev in 1907. He taught at that institution from 1912 to 1923, from 1919 as a professor. He was a professor at the Middle Asian University in Tashkent from 1927 to 1934 and at the Moscow Institute for Historical Archivists from 1938 to 1947. His main works were on the socioeconomic history of feudal Russia and the archaeology of Middle Asia. Smirnov received the State Prize of the USSR in 1943.


Goroda Moskovskogo gosudarstva ν pervoi polovine XVII v., vol. 1, fascs. 1-2. Kiev, 1917–19.
Posadskie liudi i ikh klassovaia bor’ba do serediny XVII v., vols. 1-2. Moscow-Leningrad, 1947–48.