

单词 rcp



abbr. Royal College of Physicians


abbreviation for (Medicine) Royal College of Physicians


Royal College of Physicians.



(networking, tool)(Remote copy) The Unix utility forcopying files over Ethernet. Rcp is similar to FTP butuses the hosts.equiv user authentication method.

Unix manual page: rcp(1).


Abbr. for “reinforced concrete pipe.”



abbr. Royal College of Physicians


Abbreviation for:
reactive C protein
red cell protoporphyrin
regional cerebral perfusion
Research Capability Programme 
Respiratory Care Practitioner
retrograde cerebellar perfusion
revised class play
Royal College of Physicians


Abbreviation for respiratory care practitioner.


Abbrev. for Royal College of Physicians.


RCPReal Clear Politics
RCPRubbermaid Commercial Products
RCPRich Client Platform (Eclipse)
RCPRoyal College of Physicians
RCPRDA (Radar Data Acquisition) Control Processor
RCPRésumé des Caractéristiques du Produit (French: Summary of Product Characteristics)
RCPRevolutionary Communist Party (political party)
RCPRepresentative Concentration Pathway (pollution)
RCPRespiratory Care Practitioner
RCPRed Científica Peruana (Spanish)
RCPRejestracja Czasu Pracy (Polish: Time and Attendance)
RCPRemote Copy (TCP/IP WinSock command)
RCPResponsabilité Civile Professionnelle (French: Professional Liability)
RCPRadiant Ceiling Panel
RCPReanimación Cardiopulmonar (Spanish: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)
RCPRemote Control Panel
RCPRed Cientifica Peruana (Spanish: Peruvian Scientific Network)
RCPReinforced Concrete Pipe
RCPReality Co-Processor
RCPRemote Copy Protocol
RCPRich Client Program
RCPRich Client Platform
RCPRemote Copy Command
RCPRemote Cellblaster Protocol
RCPRemote Control Pro
RCPReal Colour Processing
RCPRoyal College of Psychiatrists
RCPRoute Clearance Patrol (various armed forces)
RCPRemote Copy Protocol (Cisco)
RCPRules of Civil Procedure
RCPRégiment de Chasseurs Parachutistes (French: Airborne Infantry Regiment)
RCPRéunion de Concertation Pluridisciplinaire (French: Multidisciplinary Consultation Meeting; health care)
RCPRegulatory Compliance Partners (Houston, TX)
RCPRoyal Commonwealth Pool (UK)
RCPRadio Control Protocol
RCPReactor Coolant Pump (nuclear power)
RCPReasonable Collection Potential (IRS)
RCPRadiation Control Program
RCPResearch and Commercial Projects (UK)
RCPRapid Crack Propagation
RCPReflected Ceiling Plan (architectural drawings)
RCPRapid Control Prototyping
RCPRedistributed Chip Packaging
RCPRespite Care Program (various organizations)
RCPRafah Crossing Point (Gaza Strip)
RCPReanimation Cardio-Pulmonaire
RCPRadio Clube Portugues
RCPRight Circular Polarizer
RCPRetail and Consumer Product (industry sector)
RCPRetention Control Point
RCPRegional Contingency Plan
RCPReality Co-Processor (Nintendo 64)
RCPRemote Control Program
RCPRecuperative Care Program (various locations)
RCPRock Creek Park (Washington)
RCPReceivable Conversion Period (accounting)
RCPRight Circular Polarization
RCPRate Control Protocol
RCPRestore Cursor Position
RCPRadon Contractor Proficiency
RCPRules of Criminal Procedure
RCPRobot Control Processor
RCPRelative Cost Position
RCPRapid Chloride Permeability (concrete)
RCPRight-Hand Circular Polarization
RCPRelative Caregiver Program
RCPRegional Collection Plan (Association of Zoos & Aquariums)
RCPReacción en Cadena de Polimerasa (Spanish: Polymerase Chain Reaction)
RCPRadio Control Panel
RCPRoute Clearance Package
RCPRadio Club Paraguayo (Portugese)
RCPRecycling Control Point
RCPRequired Communications Performance
RCPRehabilitation Counseling Program
RCPRear Cockpit
RCPResearch Centers Program
RCPRefuse Collection Point (Hong Kong)
RCPResin Coated Proppant
RCPRetruded Contact Position (orthodontics)
RCPRob Chandler Photography (Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada)
RCPRush City Public (Rush City, MN)
RCPRetrocochlear Pathology
RCPRallye Club Perg (Austria)
RCPRadar Control Panel
RCPRouting Core Platform (Alcatel)
RCPRadio Control Point (GSM)
RCPRelevant Common Picture
RCPRemote Communications Processor (IBM)
RCPRestoration Control Point (ITU-T)
RCPRural Community Phones
RCPRaised Cosine Pulse
RCPRear Command Post
RCPRegion Oil and Hazardous Pollution Contingency Plan
RCPRecognition and Control Processor
RCPRoute-set test Cluster Prohibited
RCPRamon C Purcell Photography (San Diego, CA)
RCPReacção em Cadeia da Polimerase (Portugese: Polymerase Chain Reaction)
RCPResearch, Development and Testing Consolidation Panel
RCPRadar Communication Processor
RCPRobust Communications Protocol
RCPRaster Color Printer
RCPReception Center Processing
RCPRouting Control Point
RCPREU Control Processor
RCPReceiver Combiner Peripheral
RCPReinvented Complaint Process (EEOC)
RCPRecursive Correlation Partitioning
RCPRelevant Condition Predictor (condition-based maintenance)
RCPRecording Control Panel
RCPRequest for Contractual Procurement/Proposal
RCPRelative Color Principle
RCPRhombohedral Close Packing
RCPReturns Compliance Processing/Program
RCPRegenerative Cell Proliferation
RCPRespuesta Completa Patologica (Spanish: Complete Response Pathological)
RCPReseau de Courtiers Proteck
RCPRugby Club Pondinois (French rugby club)
RCPRugby Club de Paris (French rugby club)
RCPRhine Capital Partners (Switzerland)




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