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prem·o·ni·tion P5571800 (prĕm′ə-nĭsh′ən, prē′mə-)n.1. A presentiment of the future; a foreboding.2. A warning in advance; a forewarning. [Late Latin praemonitiō, praemonitiōn-, from Latin praemonitus, past participle of praemonēre, to forewarn : prae-, pre- + monēre, to warn; see men- in Indo-European roots.] pre·mon′i·to′ri·ly (-mŏn′ĭ-tôr′ə-lē) adv.pre·mon′i·to′ry adj.pre•mon•i•to•ry (prɪˈmɒn ɪˌtɔr i, -ˌtoʊr i) adj. giving premonition; serving to warn beforehand: premonitory signs. [1640–50; < Late Latin praemonitōrius. See pre-, monitory] pre•mon`i•to′ri•ly, adv. ThesaurusAdj. | 1. | premonitory - warning of future misfortuneprecursoryprophetic, prophetical - foretelling events as if by supernatural intervention; "prophetic writings"; "prophetic powers"; "words that proved prophetic" | Translations EncyclopediaSeePremonitionpremonitory
premonitory (prē-mŏn′ĭ-tō-rē) [LL. praemonitorius] Giving a warning, as an early symptom.premonitory
Synonyms for premonitoryadj warning of future misfortuneSynonymsRelated Words |