Pavel Dauge
Dauge, Pavel Georgievich
(party pseudonym, Pik). Born Aug. 10 (22), 1869, in the village of Sauka, in present-day Jekabpils Raion, Latvian SSR; died Sept. 2, 1946, in Riga. Active participant in the revolutionary movement. Scientist, one of the founders of stomatology in the USSR. Honored Cultural Worker of the Latvian SSR (1945). Became a member of the Communist Party in 1903. Born into a schoolteacher’s family.
Dauge graduated from Moscow Dental School in 1897 and studied at the Berlin Dental Institute. In 1904 he met V. I. Lenin abroad. While working in Moscow during the years 1905–07, Dauge was a member of the literary and lecture group attached to the Moscow Committee of the RSDLP, and he collaborated on the Bolshevik newspapers Bor’ba (1905) and Svetoch (1906). He translated a number of works by F. Engels into Latvian. Dauge was a delegate to the second and third congresses of the Social Democratic Party of the Latvian Krai. In October 1917 he took part in the struggle for Soviet power in Moscow. From 1918 to 1928 he was a member of the senior collegium and head of the dental subsection of the People’s Commissariat of Health of the RSFSR; beginning in 1928 he was engaged in lecturing and scientific work in Moscow and Riga. Dauge was a delegate to the Eighth and the Fifteenth Party Congresses. On his initiative the State Scientific Institute of Dentistry (subsequently the State Institute of Stomatology and Odontology) was established in Moscow; during the years 1928–31 Dauge was a professor there. He organized the journal Odontologiia i stomatologiia (1923). He was a member of an international academy of dentistry in Washington (1929) and an honorary member of the Vienna Dental Society (1931). Dauge was the author of a number of works on the history of the revolutionary movement in Latvia and also on stomatology and the organization of health care.
Sotsial’nye osnovy sovetskoi stomatologii. Moscow, 1933.I. Ditsgen. Moscow, 1934.
Revoliutsiia 1905–1907 gg. ν Latvii. Riga, 1949.
Ratnek, K. “Vydaiushchiisia deiatel’ partii.” Kommunist Sovetskoi Latvii, 1959, no. 2.“Pamiati P. G. Dauge.” Stomatologiia, 1948, no. 3.
Lipovecka, L. Arsts. filozofs, cīnītājs Pauls Dauge: 1869–1946. Riga, 1968.