vestibular area

ves·tib·u·lar ar·e·a

[TA] the area in the floor of the fourth ventricle lateral to the sulcus limitans [TA] and medial to the restiform body [TA] that overlies the vestibular nuclei and portions of the cochlear nuclei.
See also: inferior vestibular area of internal acoustic meatus, superior vestibular area of internal acoustic meatus.
Synonym(s): area vestibularis [TA]

vestibular area

Fundus of the internal auditory meatus.

ves·tib·u·lar a·re·a

(ves-tibyū-lăr arē-ă) [TA] Part of floor of the fourth ventricle lateral to sulcus limitans [TA] and medial to the restiform body [TA] that overlies vestibular nuclei and portions of cochlear nuclei.