Anonymus Gallus
Anonymus Gallus
(Gall Anonim). Late 11th-early 12th century. Author of the oldest Polish chronicle, written in Latin.
The origins of Anonymus Gallus are still a subject of scholarly debate. His chronicle comprises three books covering the history of Poland to 1113. The chronicle’s description is generally accurate and it is a rich and extremely valuable source. The chronicle was first published in 1749.
Cronica et gesta ducum sive principum polonorum. Galli Anonymi. Edited by K. Maleczyński. In Monumento Poloniae Historica. Nowa ser., vol. 2. Kraków, 1952.Anonim tzw. Gall. Kronika Polska. Translated and edited by R. Grodecki. Kraków, 1923.
Gall Anonim. Khronika i deianiia kniazei ili pravitelei pol’skikh. Moscow, 1961.