(Shipbuilding), a central scientific-technical publishing house within the system of the State Committee on Publishing, Printing, and the Book Trade of the USSR.
Located in Leningrad, Sudostroenie was founded in 1940 as Sudpromgiz (State Publishing House of the Shipbuilding Industry); since 1934 it had been the chief editorial board for shipbuilding literature of the Union of Scientific-Technical Publishing Houses (ONTI). In 1939 and 1940 it was part of Oborongiz (State Scientific-Technical Publishing House of the Defense Industry).
Sudostroenie publishes scientific, industrial-engineering, and popular science literature on shipbuilding and ship repair and on maritime machine building and instrument-making. It has published works by A. N. Krylov, V. L. Pozdiunin, Iu. A. Shiman-skii, V. V. Novozhilov, P. F. Papkovich, and I. G. Bubnov. Sudostroenie has also published series on the automation of ship design, on the future of shipbuilding, and on the utilization of the sea’s resources.
Sudostroenie issues the monthly scientific-technical and industrial journal Sudostroenie (Shipbuilding) and the popular science and sports periodical collection Katera i iakhty (Launches and Yachts). In 1974 the total output of the publishing house, including journals, was 29 million printer’s sheets.
(Shipbuilding), a monthly scientific, technical, and trade journal; organ of the Ministry of the Shipbuilding Industry of the USSR and of the Academician A. N. Krylov Scientific and Technical Society of the Shipbuilding Industry. The journal was founded in St. Petersburg in 1898 under the title Vestnik Obshchestva morskikh inzhenerov (Journal of the Society of Marine Engineers); the present title was adopted in 1934 after many changes.
Sudostroenie publishes articles on the problems of ship design and equipment and surveys of the current state and development prospects of the principal ship types and trends in shipbuilding. Circulation, 11,600(1975).